Period: to
Saturns moon, Titan, found
Christian Huygens discovers Saturn's rings and Titan, the fourth satellite of Saturn. This is important because Titan could turn into Earth in the future because it has an atmosphere like our early one. -
The speed of light is measured
While in Paris, an astronomer measures the speed of light. This is very important because we use light years for measuring just about everything far away.
A danish astronomer named Ole Romer measured it while in France. -
Galaxies, nebula, and start clusters discovered
Messier discovers galaxies, nebula and star clusters while looking for comets. This is important to me because this helps us wiht out knowledge of the universe. -
First dawrf planet found
Piazzi discovers first dwarf planet, Ceres. This is important to me because now we know what the difference is between dwarf planets and regular planets. -
Neptune discovered
Johann Galle observes and discovers Neptune. This is important to me because its one of our 8 planets in the solar system. -
Period: to
Explorer 1
Explorer 1 launched, which is the first U.S. sattelite to orbit Earth. -
First step on the moon
Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon. This is very impotant to me because now we can walk on the moon. -
Venera 7 land on Venus
The Russian Venera 7 is the first to land on Venus safely. This is important to me because now we can see picture of Venus's surface. -
Pioneer 10 launches
The U.S. launches Pioneer 10. This is impotnat to me because it was heading for Jupiter, and its the first one sent out. -
Viking probes land on Mars
The U.S. Viking probes land on Mars. This is important to me because it can stufy Mrs and bring pictures and rocks back to us -
Period: to
1981-present day
Hubble launched
The Hubble Space Telescope is launched into orbit. This is important to me because now we can see evenfarther with the advanced lenses. -
Cassini launched
Cassini begins its journey to Saturn. This is important to me because now we can explore Saturns ring easily. -
Philae lands on comet
Rosetta's Philae probe lands on comet. This is important to me because now we can see exactly whats on a comet, and study it ourselves. (If the probe gets back to Earth). The European Space Agency was involved.