Science and Technology

By 2Faith4
  • The Horn Book

    This was an early book usually used to help kids learn there alphabet.
  • The School Slate

    This was used throughout the 1900's in almost every classroom, the students used them for everyday work.
  • The Stereoscope

    This is a three dimensional viewing tool, very popular in homes and used in school systems.
  • Overhead projectors

    These were initially used in the US military for training purposes but eventually were used in the school systems.
  • Writing utensils

    The ball point pen was used widely in the school systems. It was not invented in the 1940's but it became very popular.
  • Headphones

    Because of the theories that children can learn better by listening to something over and over headphones were installed for kids to have listening stations.
  • Educational Television

    Educational Television
    There were a lot of educational programs on the Television they used in school systems for entertainment and education at the same time.
  • Hand Held Calculator

    The TI-83 was the first calculator that paved the way for modern day calculators. In the beginning teachers worried they would prevents the kids from learning and knowing the basic math skills without the calculator.
  • Scantron

    This reduced the need for grading a lot of multiple choice questions and is still used widely today.
  • Plato computer

    Plato computer
    This was one of the most used computers in the education system when the computer to computer ratio was one computer for every 92 students.
  • The CD

    A CD was the way you stored audio and other things. It was the modern day Flashdrives
  • Hand Held Graphing Calculator

    These were portable graphic calculators that made advanced math so much easier.
  • interactive whiteboards

    interactive whiteboards
    This allowed the students and teachers to be able to show the students how they were supposed to do there work and the students would be able to see the board from anywhere as well.
  • the Iclicker

    This is a device that allowed teachers to take a poll of there students and get immediate results.
  • Apple I-pads

    Apple I-pads
    The invention of an apple I-pad being incorporated in schools has allowed students to take there information on the go and they can move around the room