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School Nutrition Program

  • Early Attempts

    Early Attempts
    Children's Aid Society of New York initiated a program in 1853, serving meals to students attending the vocational school
  • Hot Lunches

    Hot Lunches
    Women's Educational and Industrial Union served hot lunches in September of that year to high schools which were under the supervision of the Boston School Committee.
  • Hunter's Poverty

    Hunter's Poverty
    The book was published by Robert Hunter on this year and shined a light on poverty and the plight of poverty-stricken families; it showed how malnourishment affected the youth of society
  • Birth of the program

    Birth of the program
    President Truman signed the National School Lunch Act, which provides an adequate lunch to all students.
  • Milk Program

    Milk Program
    Provided needy children with a low price pint of whole milk.
  • Summer Lunch Program

    Summer Lunch Program
    Offers students the option of having a healthy meal in the summer whether they go to summer school or not.
  • Breakfast Program

    Breakfast Program
    Provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price. Based on family income.
  • Department of Defense Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program

    Department of Defense Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program
    Provides schools and military bases fresh fruits and veggies so that they don't have to use their funds for that.
  • Let's Move! Program

    Let's Move! Program
    It focuses on providing healthier foods in schools, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food, and helping kids become more physically active.
  • Hunger-Free Kids Act

    Hunger-Free Kids Act
    Provides more funding to schools and their lunch programs.