School Today
The classrooms are in rows, the teachers are up at the front of the classroom providing direct instruction to the students. Only students who raise their hands participate. Students complete worksheets image: http://www.brandonhall.com/blogs/flipping-the-corporate-classroom/. -
New look classrooms!!
Classroom furniture has changed. Instead of rows, all classrooms have pods of desks for students to collaborate. Students move between groups to get information they need and to turn to experts in their classes. image: http://barrowmediacenter.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/21st-century-learning-006.jpg -
Teachers Welcome Devices!!
Teachers realize that students are more productive and able to learn and achieve more when they are able to use devices that they bring to school to access information outside the walls fo the classrooms. image: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cP-53T7DxDo/UcG4ehHVVEI/AAAAAAAABvw/gkybhp9SM2s/s1600/20130212-101840.jpg -
Homework views change!
Teachers and students change their views on homework. Teachers no longer give students busy work. Teachers provide students real opportunities to practice their skills at home and when students come to school they put this practice into operation. Students do homework because learning is fun and they are able to use their skills to show what it is that they can create. -
Departments Collapse!!
Teachers no longer teach their own "subject." Teacher teams work together to facilitate learning that students can translate to realife experiences. Instead of being experts in math, English, Science, etc. Teachers use their knowledge of these skills to help students complete tasks and projects that will help them develop into productive 21st Century citizens. -
Students stay home to learn!
Students today no longer have to come to school on a regular basis to learn. Many courses and learning modules are available online. Students come to school to collaborate and work with their peers to ehance their experiences. -
2020 School
Students have their own device and constantlly collaborate online. Students can flow from room to room and learning experience to learning experience as they see fit. Teachers are facilitators of instruction.