scavenger hunt

  • The analitical Machine

    1837a mechanical general purpose computer designed by Charles Bobbage. Had the first characteristics like memory to make it the first general purpose computer.
  • Von Neumann Architecture

    The von Neumann architecture was invented in 1945 and was the internal design of the computer.

    The first ever useful computer was very innovative for its time and set standard for many computer designs and thinking for years to come after it.

    Was invented in 1951, UNIVAC is an electrical computer containing thousands of vacuum tubes that utilizes punch cards and switches for inputting data and punch cards for outputting and storing data.
  • UNIX operating system

    UNIX operating system is a multi-tasking and multi user computer developed by AT&t employees
  • holes in cards

    holes in cards allowed companies to store information and be able to access that information by entering the card through the computer
  • Altair

    A microcomputer designed based on the Intel 8080 CPU ,. Issued on the cover of popular electronics in 1975 which made people have great interest.
  • CRAY-1

    A super computer designed, manufacture d and marketed by Cray Research. First installed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and went to be known as one of the most popular and successful in history.
  • Apple

    Apple was formed in 1976, apple is a computer company that makes computer and now iPods, cell phones and tablets.
  • First Electronical spreedsheet

    the first spreadsheet was called the VisiCalc and it ran on an apple 2 computer. It was considered the fourth generation of software programs.
  • Windows

    Windows was created to provide next-generation operating systems that would provide a graphical user interface and a multitasking environment for IBM computers
  • Macintosh

    The Macintosh was created in 1984 by apple. It was $2495 in the us.
  • PC

    The pc was a first general purpose computer that has the capabilities, size and original sale price that make it useful for individuals