First Generation Computer
- First electronic digital computer was designed by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry .
- Atanasoff-Berry-Computer, or ABC is their machines and provide the foundation for advances.
Stored Programs
- Dr John von Nuemann writes a brilliant paper describing the stored programs concept.
- His idea is where memory hold both data and stored programs.
- Also lays all the foundation for all digital computers that have since been built.
- The first large-scale electronic was complete work by Dr. John w. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr.
- ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer).
- ENIAC weighs thirty tons, contains 18,000 vacuum tubes, occupies a thirty-by-fifty-foot space and consumes 160 kilowatts of power.
- William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invent the transfer resistance device, called the transistor.
- The transistor would revolutionize computers, proving much more reliable than vacuum tubes.
- Remington Rand introduced electronic digital computer was called, the UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
- IBM produces computer system which is IBM 650.
- IBM 700 dominate the mainframe market for the next decade.
- FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) - an efficient, easy-to-use programming language and introduced by John Backus.
- The IBM 305 RAMAC system is the first to use magnetic diskk for external storage.
Second Generation Computer
- Jack Kilby (Texas Instruments) invests integrated circuit.
- Second Generation Computer used transistor
- COBOL, a high-level business application language, is developed by a committee headed by Dr. Grace Hopper.
- COBOL uses English-like phrases and runs on most business computers and making it one of the more widely used programming language
Third Generation Computer
- The number of computers has grown to18,000.
- Third Generation Computer was introduced stored on chips.
- Dr. John Kemeny of Dartmouth leads the development of the BASIC programming language.
- BASIC widely used on personal computers. -Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) introduces the first mini- computer.
Floppy 8
- Alan Shugart (IBM) demonstrates the first regular use of an 8-inch floppy (magnetic storage) disk. -Edsger Dijsktra introduces the concept of structured programming, developing standards for constructing computer programs.
- The ARPANET network, a predecessor of the Internet, is established.
- IBM announces that some of its software will be priced separately from the computer hardware.
- This unbundling allows software firms to emerge in the industry.
Fourth Generation Computer
- Fourth Generation Computers, built with chips that use LSI (large-scale integration) arrive.
- LSI chip contains as many as 15,000.
Ted Hoff (Intel) develops microprocessor - Intel 4004 -
Local Area Network (LAN)
- Local Area Network (LAN) is developed at Xerox PARC(Palo Alto, Research Centre) by Robert Melcalf.
- The LAN allows computers to communicate and share software, data and peripherals.
Apple Computer
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak build the first Apple Computer. -
- With the development of MS-DOS, Microsoft achieves tremendous growth and success.
- Alan Shugart presents the Winchester hard drive, revolutionizing storage for personal computers.
- IBM PC is introduced, signaling IBM's entrance into personal computer to marketplace.
- IBM PC becomes the personal computer of choice in business.
- 3,275,000 personal computers are sold, almost 3,000,000 more than in 1981.
- Hayes introduces than 300 bps smart modem, The modem is an immediate success.
Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Development Corporation is founded.
Its spreadsheet software, Lotus 1-2-3. -
- IBM introduces a personal computer, called the PC AT that uses the Intel 80286 microprocessor.
- Hewlett-Packard announces the first Laser-Jet printer for personal computer.
Apple introduces the Macintosh computer, which incorporates a uniques, easy-to-learn, graphical user interface -
Intel 80386
Several personal computers utilizing the powerful Intel 80386 microprocessor are introduced. -
Top Software Vendor
Microsoft surpasses Lotus Development Corporation to become the world's top software vendor. -
Windows 3.1
Microsoft releases Windows 3.1 the latest versions of its Windows operating systems. -
- Several companies introduce computer systems using the Pentium processor from Intel.
- It contains 3.1 million transistors and its capable of performing 112,000,000 instructions per second.
- Marc Andreessen creates a graphical Web browser called Mosaic.
- This success leads to the organization of Netscape Communication Corporation.
- Jim Clark and Mark Andreessen found Netscape and launch Netscape Navigator 1.0.
- Linus Torvalds creates the Linux kernel, a UNIX-like operating system .
- Sun Microsystems launches Java, an object-oriented programming language that allows users to write one application for a variety of computer platforms.
Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft releases Window NT 4.0 -
- U.S Robotics introduces PalmPilot, a handheld personal computer.
- An innovative technology called WebTV combines television and the Internet.
- Fifty million users are connected to the Internet and World Wide Web.
- Microsoft release Internet Explorer 4.0.
- Intel introduces the Pentium II processor with 7.5 million transistors.
- More the 10,000,00 people take telecommuting.
- E-commerce or electric commerce- the first marketing of goods and services over the Internet.
- Microsoft ships Windows 98
Pentium III
- Intel releases its Pentium III processor.
- Microsoft introduces Office 2000.
Pentium 4
- Microsoft ships Windows 2000 and Windows ME.
- Intel unveils its Pentium 4.
Window XP and Office XP
- Microsoft releases major operating system updates with Window XP and Office XP.
Pemtium 4
- Intel ships its revamped Pentium 4 chip with the 0.13 micron, operating at speed 3.06 GHz.
- Digital video camera
Taclet Pc reintroduced