Merissa snip

History of Computers

  • Blaise Pascal (mathematician)

    Blaise Pascal (mathematician) invented the Pascaline (1642) only performed addition (never worked)
  • Stepped Reckener (Leibniz)

    Stepped Reckener (Leibniz) first add, subtract, multiply, divide & square roots (malfunctioned parts – ahead of it’s time)
  • Ada Byron

    Ada Byron (Countess of Lovelace) – first programmer & stated no computer no matter how powerful could ever think which is still true today
  • Charles Babbage 1829

    Difference Engine (Babbage) Made for Navigation ships (lost at sea) – never built but led to Analytical Engine
  • Charles Babbage

    Analytical Engine – followed programs on punched cards (still do today) & designed to make decisions based on programs (larger of 2 nums) – never built but model for today

    ENIAC – made for WWII trajectory of shells but finished after war was over
    Solved problem that team of mathematicians needed three days in twenty seconds!
    30 tons & 1500 sq ft (average home)

    These are the first TRUE computers (not calcs)
  • Eniac/ABC

    Eniac/ABC still needed pulling, plugging & switch flipping to change instructions
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith – Created (now) IBM
  • Herman Hollerith

    End of 19th Century the Census took 9 years to compile (outdated) thus Invented Tabulating Machine used Electricity instead of gears – general count of population now six weeks
  • Eniac/ABC

    Eniac/ABC still needed pulling, plugging & switch flipping to change instructions
  • Herman Hollerith

    Mark 1 (1944) – IBM – Used punch cards – but could not make decisions so still calculator (sophisticated) but 51 feet in length and weight 5 tons
  • John Von Neumann

    John Von Neumann
    John Von Neumann – Idea of stored program in CPU to control all functions
    Program – List of instructions written in a language that the computer understands.

    ENIAC – made for WWII trajectory of shells but finished after war was over
    Solved problem that team of mathematicians needed three days in twenty seconds!
    30 tons & 1500 sq ft (average home)
    These are the first TRUE computers (not calcs)
  • Transistor

    Transistor (1947) invented to make computers smaller and less expensive
    Speeds up to 10,000 calculations per second
    1960s IBM Model 650 – first medium-sized computer
    Still expensive for corporations/government only
    Smaller & Cheaper than anything before
    Punched cards replaced by magnetic tape
  • hISTORY 5

    CPU (Central Processing Unit) processes data and controls flow of data (heart) & directs all activities of the computer
    ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) within the CPU for arithmetic and logic/comparisons (brain)
    Peripheral devices - additional devices (scanners/printers)
    Motherboard – Main circuit board
    Clock rate – speed CPU executes instructions
    ROM (Read Only Memory) – permanent/basic operating instructions (not changed)
  • EDVAC & EDSAC (Von Neumann)

    EDVAC & EDSAC (Von Neumann) solved problems with instructions on paper tape Entering instructions now in machine language (0s and 1s) to represent switches

    UNIVAC used stored program concept correctly & first computer language (C-10) with first keyboard
    Sold to Census Bureau in 1951
    Still large and expensive – only large corporations & government could afford
    1000 calculations per second
  • John Von Neumann

    John Von Neumann
    John Von Neumann – Idea of stored program in CPU to control all functions
    Program – List of instructions written in a language that the computer understands.
  • Machine Language and Assembly language

    Machine Language and Assembly language
    Machine Language – 0’s & 1’s is the only language that a computer understands (low-level)
    Written directly to address hardware
    Very complex & tedious
    Assembly language (also low-level) with names to represent machine language
    Must be translated to machine (assembled)
    High-level programming languages have English-like instructions (easier to use) but must be compiled (translated to assembly)
    Languages include Fortran, COBOL (for Depar

    Microprocessor (Marcian Hoff, 1970)
    Entire CPU on a chip
    Made Microcomputers (computer small enough to fit on a desktop) possible
    Altair (1975) first Microcomputer
    Stephen Wozniak & Steven Jobs built Apple computer in their garage (1976)
    IBM-PC (1981) had spreadsheet, accounting & word processing software (instant success)
    Available to all – Compared Porsche $1
    *BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) – uses an interpreter so code can be tested as it is written

    Grace Murray Hopper (made COBOL) used “debug” to remove a moth – still used today
    Ada Byron (first programmer - female)
    *Integrated Circuits (ICs) – Computer Chips
    Replaced transistors
    Fastest; Millions of calculations per second
    Silicon etched with intricate circuits
    IBM System 360 one of first computers with circuits
    Difficulty keeping up with demand
    Cheaper so hospitals & universities could afford
    *Created a BASIC language interpreter (1975)
    Founded Microsoft (1977)
    Developed MS-DOS for PC

    Large & Expensive ($100,000-millions range)
    Large corporations, banks, governments & universities
    Usually has ‘dummy’ terminals
    Usually requires their own room
    IBM System 360 was one of first
    A smaller ‘minicomputer’ was also used on a smaller scale
    Eventually MICROcomputers became common

    BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) – uses an interpreter so code can be tested as it is written
    Object-oriented programming (OOP) evolved creates modules to use over again
    Visual Basic, C++ and Java are OOPs
    Fourth-generation languages (4GLs) are more high level than high-level languges
    Be able to identify hardware of the PC (monitor, keyboard, mouse, disk drives, etc.)
    Input Devices (Takes information in) vs. Output Devices (Sends information out)

    RAM (Random Access Memory) – temporary with current apps/documents (lost when off)
    Laser printer uses laser and toner/better & more expensive/faster
    Ink Jet uses ink cartridges with dots of ink/cheaper
    Data Flow
  • ABC (first electronic computer)

    ABC (first electronic computer) used binary number system of 1s and 0s still used today (wasn’t recognized until the 1990s)

    Hardware – the physical/touchable ‘equipment’ on a computer (monitor, keyboard, memory CHIPS, etc.)
    Software – the programs running
    Operating System Software – programs that run automatically when turned on & controls the computer use (i.e. DOS/Windows)
    Applications Software – performs specific tasks (word processor, games, etc.)

    MB (Megabyte) – approx. 1 million bytes
    GB (Gigabyte) – approx. 1 billion bytes
    KB (Kilobyte) – approx 1 thousand bytes
    Memory address – binary representation of a location in memory
    Network – Computers connected to share software and devices
    LAN (Local Area Network) – Close proximity
    WAN (Wide Area Network) – long distances
    Internet – world wide (very large) network
    Intranet – a network within a company not publically accessed
    Bandwidth – amount of data and speed can travel over media

    Do not access another account
    Do not share passwords & change them
    Use appropriate subject matter/language & be considerate of others (beliefs)
    Online profiling (collecting info)
    Cookies (text file with user info)
    Web beacon (transparent graphic for data)
    Internet services (ISP) & online information services (i.e. AOL) offer access and information to and on the Internet
    Telecommunications – transmitting and receiving of data

    Internet services (ISP) & online information services (i.e. AOL) offer access and information to and on the Internet
    Telecommunications – transmitting and receiving of data
    Kbps (KB per sec.) or Mbps (MB per sec.)
    Modems transfer 0s and 1s into tones
    WWW – most widely used Internet service
    Browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer) GUI for info
    Information age – the present time because of the ability to access large amounts of data

    Data Entry
    Systems Analysts
    Programmers (VB)
    MIS Managers (Tech Directors)
    Computer Scientist s
    Computer Engineers
    Computer Manufacturing Workers
    Technical Support Technicians
    Computer Teacher
    Tech Director/Coordinator
    Intranet Analyst
    Network Administrator
    Web Careers (Developers/Designer/Webmaster/Author)

    Bluetooth – wireless technology used to allow mobile computer devices to communicate
    Mobile computing devices – Notebooks, tablets, handhelds and wearable computers
    Smartphone – Most popular & growing
    Circuits are off or on – Binary Number System
    Bit (Binary Digit) – Each 0 or 1
    Byte – 8 bit unit (each letter/num on keyboard)
    Base 10 – our number system (0 – 9)
    Hexadecimal – Base 16 (no conversions on test)
    Unicode – sixteen 1s and 0s for all sybols

    Copyright infringement – illegal use or reproduction of data (text, photos, music, etc.)
    Piracy – illegal copies of software
    Malicious code – Viruses, worms
    Antivirus programs – Detect and remove malicious code
    Firewall – Hardware/software to preent access