Bell Telephone Laboratories completed the Complex Number Calculator (CNC) in 1939 and was demonstrated at an American Mathematical Society conferernce by its designer George Stibitz in 1940 at Dartmouth College. -
Period: to
First Generation Computers
First Generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry, magnetic drums for memory, and were usually enormous. They were very expensive to operate, used a lot of electricity, generated a lot of heat, relied on machine language (completely numbers) to perform operations, and could only solve one problem at a time. -
Z3 Computer finished
The Z3 computer, finished by a German engineer named Konrad Zuse, was an early computer built and finished in 1941. -
Z3 Destroyed
Zuse's original Z3 computer was destroyed in a bombing raid of Berlin in late 1943. -
The ENIAC was developed
The world's first operational electronic digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), was developed by Army Ordinance to compute World War II ballistic firing tables.It weighed 30 tons, used 200 kilowatts of electric power, and was completed in 1945. -
EDSAC Assembled
The first practical stored-program computer, the EDSAC, was assembled at Cambridge University by Maurice Wilkes in 1949. -
The ERA 1101 was built
The first commercially produced computer, the ERA 1101, was built by the Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis in 1950. -
The UNIVAC was delivered
Delivered to the United States Census Bureau in 1951, the UNIVAC was the first commercial computer to be delivered to a business client, completed by Eckert and Mauchly. -
Development of the SAGE
The Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, also known as the Sage, was developed in 1951 by IBM. -
The EDVAC was designed
The EDVAC was a computer designed by John Von Neumann with a memory that could be written to and read and had a central control unit that would calculate and output all logical anf mathematical problems in 1952. -
The Whirlwind was created
The creation of The Whirlwind computer began in 1946 and was completed in 1953 at the Servomechanisms Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was a large scale, general purpose digital computer. -
The TX-0 was built
The first general-purpose, programmable computer built with transistors, called the TX-0, was built in 1956 by MIT researchers. -
Period: to
Second Generation Computers
In Second Generation Computers the vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors, They were smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient, and more reliable than First Generation Computers.These computers were the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory. A lot of heat was still generated and they still relied on punch cards and printouts for input and output. The cryptic binary machine language of First Generation Computers was replaced by symbolic/assembly languages. -
The country's first electronic computer, the NEAC 1101, was built by Japan´s NEC in 1958. -
The Stretch
IBM's first trasistorized computers, the 7000 series mainframes, were significantly faster and more dependable than the previous computers containing vacuum tubes. Their top computer was the 7030, also known as the "Stretch" and they were invented in 1959. -
The PDP-1
DEC´s PDP-1 was one of 50 built. A PDP-1 computer had a cathode ray tube graphic display, and did not need air conditioning. It also only required one operator. The 50 PDP-1 computers had the game Spacewar! on them. -
The 1400 Series
IBM introduced the 1400 Series in 1961. The first computer in the series was the 1401 mainframe. The 1401 used a magnetic core memory and used more reliable transistors in place of the vacuum tubes. -
The first real time laboratory data processing was brought by the Laboratory Instrumentation Computer (LINC).A t Lincoln Laboratories, Wesley Clark designed the LINC. It was later commercialized by Digital Equipment Corp. as the LINC-8. -
Period: to
Third Generation Computers
Third Generation Comupters were brought along with the development of the integrated circuit. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon strips, called semiconductors. They were faster, smaller, cheaper, and and more efficient than pervious computers. Keyboards and monitors replaced punched cards and printouts.They could run many different applications at once with a central program that monitored the memory. -
The CDC 6600
Seymour Cray designed CDC´s 6600 supercomputer in 1964. The 6600 was three times as fast as its closest competitor, IBM's Stretch. -
The System/360
The System/360, a family of six mutually compatible computers and 40 peripherals that could work together, was announced by IBM in1964. When it was being announced, IBM was transitioning from punched cards to electronic computer systems. -
The PDP-8 was introduced
The first commercially successful minicomputer, the PDP-8, was introduced by the Digital Equipment Corp. in 1965. -
The Nova
The Nova, with 32 kilobytes of memory, was introduced by Data General Corp. Steve Wozniak's Apple 1 baord was inspired by the simplicity of the Nova. -
The Kenbak-1
The first personal computer, the Kenbak-1 was designed by John V. Blankenbaker in 1971. -
Period: to
Fourth Generation Computers
Fourth Generation Computers were smaller and more powerful. They were able to be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the internet.The mouse and handheld devices were seen in Fourth Generation Computers. -
The Alto was designed
The Alto, first work station with a built-in mouse for input, was designed by the researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in 1974. -
The Apple I
In 1976, Steve Wozniak designed a single-board computer, the Apple I. -
The Commodore PET
The first of several personal computers released in 1977, The Commodore PET came fully assembled and was straightforward to operate. -
Atari introduces the Model 400 and 800 Computer
Atari designed the two microcomputers, the Model 400 and 800, shortly after the delivery of the the Atari VCS game console in 1979. -
The Osborne I
The first portable computer, the Osborne I, was completed by Adam Osborne in 1981. It weighed 24 pounds. -
Apple's Macintosh
In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh. -
The Macintosh
The first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphic user interface, the Macintosh, was launched in 1984 by Apple Computers. -
The NeXT
Apple confounder Steve Jobs unveiled the NeXT computer. It failed but was recognized as an important innovation. -
Speech Recognition systems
Speech Recognition systems are capable of recognizing dictation and entering the text into a word processor and are already available today. -
Period: to
Fifth Generation Computers
Fifth Generation Computers are based on artificial intelligence. Voice recognition is also being used today. No computers exhibit full artificial intelligence as of right now. -
Parallel processing
Many processors that are grouped to function as one large group processor, called Parallel-processing. -
To provide a faster transfer of information between the components of a computer, a superconductor, or a conductor through which electricity can travel without any resistance, could be created. -
Intelligent Robots
Robots that could decide for itself how a task should be accomplished. -
Intelligent systems
Thr route of a missile and defense-systems that could fend off attacks, done by intelligent systems.