Coe front

Santa Cruz COE in 2020

  • Student voices

    Student voices
    Students in Juvenile Hall share poetry via Avatars
  • College and Career E-Portfolios

    College and Career E-Portfolios
    Santa Cruz County College Commitment, housed at the COE, supports all schools in the county to provide college and career E-portfolios
  • Leadership at COE

    Leadership at COE
    All meetings of the organization encourage participants to use their devices to stay engaged, take notes, make connections, and multi-task where possible.
  • Interactive PD

    Interactive PD
    All professional development provided by the COE engages the participant using technology. All COE conference rooms are equiped with laptops that can also be taken to sites for use in trainings
  • Science and Engineering Fair

    Science and Engineering Fair
    All Student Events such as the Science Fair have integrated technology into their presentations. The event is sponsored by local tech companies and is hosted at UCSC Engineering Department
  • STEAM Center

    STEAM Center
    COE celebrates integration of technology into all instructional programs. Our center with be STEAM (including the Arts)