Jan 1, 1567
Who was Champlain
On July 29, Samuel de Champlain,accompanied by 2 other Frenchmen and 60 Algonquins and Hurons, defeated a band of Iroquois Indians near the futer Ticonderoga, beginning a long period of French/Iroquois enmity.He is important to Canadian history because he made the first accurate map of the coast and he helped establish the settlements.Born into a family of mariners, Champlain, while still a young man, began exploring North America in 1603. -
How much has it affected people?
''As Champlain tells the story, they encountered around 200 Iroquois warriors. Battle was inevitable, and the French camped and prepared for the next day’s fight. During the night, their allies engaged in shamanistic rituals, and there was loud boasting on the part of vanguards from both sides. By morning, Champlain and his party had agreed on a plan. As the story is told, his native allies advanced toward the Iroquois, and fell back. Champlain emerged and fired four bullets.'' -
what did Champlain do?
Why was it caused?
Champlain's Fight with the Iroquois Indians. Like the Romans, they caused their commonwealth to expand by annexation and conquest.Therfore beginning a long time of French/Iroquois enimity. -
How shameful it is for natives?
I think its shameful for them because they are very good at fighting and show no mercy. I think this leaves a scar that will go with the Iroquois forever leaving other people saying if they were deafeted like that then we can do that to. -
The arrival
Painting by George Agnew Reid, done for the third centennial (1908), showing the arrival of Samuel de Champlain on the site of Quebec City.[28] -
How it connects to us today?
Champlain noticed there fighting methods and their weapons that they used to fight, he also has improved our technology by new weaponagry and fighting methods that they use more often from the Iroquois