Day One
- Arrival: Greet students at door, decorate name tag.
- Morning Meeting: Overview of classroom rules with students input, it's important to already have an idea of what your rules are however invite the students to also share some rules that they may think are important. You will be able to fit these into you're "broader rules". Do not go into full details since there will be a review each day of the week.
- Develop and practice signal for attention.
- Tour the school.
Day Two
- Arrival: Greet students at the door Morning meeeting Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning" Sharing: Favorite Food Group activity: Getting to know you "Spider Web" 1.Establish arrival routines and practice signals for quiet attention. 2.Interactive Modeling: lining up, walking in halls, bathroom procedures. Review of 1st rule:
- Listen when someone is talking. Brainstorm with students (think,pair,share)
- Model and role play different scenarios regarding this first rule.
Day Three
- Arrival routine: Greet student at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures. Morning meeting: Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning" (practice remembering names) Sharing: Favorite game Group activity:
- Establish procedures regarding transitioning back to seats and moving around the classroom.
- Interactive modeling: Review of 1rst rule and consequences and brainstorming sessions for 2nd rule. (students)
- Model/role play different scenarios regarding rules.
Day Four
- Arrival routine: Greet student at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures. Morning meeting: Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning" Sharing: Favorite book/story Group activity:
- Remind/re-model: transition back to seats and teacher attention
- Interactive modeling: Review of 1st, 2nd rules and consequences and brainstorming session of 3rd rule.
- Modeling and role play different scenarios regarding rules.
Day Five
- Arrival routine: Greet students at the door and review/practice attention signals and arrival procedures. Morning meeting: Greeting: Around the circle "Good morning" Sharing: Favorite toy/activity Group activity 2.Establishing/review/model pre taught procedures and add getting/putting away materials. 3.Interactive modeling: Review of all rules.
- Model and role play different scenarios regarding rules.
- Introduce your chosen reinforcement procedures for good behavior (involve students).