Rise of Islam By Claire Braxton

  • 570

    Muhammed is Born

    Muhammed is Born
    Islam was not practiced very widely in this time period. Nobody wanted to believe in something they couldn't see ​and were reluctant to change their current beliefs. Muhammad's birth was the start of change.
  • Jan 10, 610

    The Angel Gabriel Visits

    It was said that 40 years after his birth, while on a mountain retreat, he stumbled upon a cave. While visiting this cave he was said to have been visited by the angel Gabriel. It is at his time he comes upon the first revelations of the Quran​. Later in the year he is once again visited by the angel. He is told to go forth and share the word of god.
    His preachings were first met with hostility, and he and his followers were persecuted.
  • Jan 10, 622

    Mecca to Medina

    Mecca to Medina
    After finding themselves faced with persecution in Mecca, Muhammad, and his followers migrated to the nearby town of Yathrib. (This migration would later be known as the Hijrah and mark the beginning of the Islamic calendar.) While in Yathrib Muhammad establishes an Islamic state based on the laws in the Quran. Later he would start to invite other tribes and nations to practice Islam​.
  • Jan 10, 633

    Taking North Africa

    Muslim armies take control of an area in North Africa called the Fertile Cresent, as well as the Persian and Byzantine empires.
  • Jan 10, 661

    Beginning of the Umayyad Rule

    Beginning of the Umayyad Rule
    As Islam begins to spread trough North Africa, Imam Ali is killed, bringing an end to the four “righteous caliphs”: Abur Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This is also the beginning of the Umayyad rule.
  • Jan 10, 710

    Entering Spain

    Entering Spain
    Muslims enter Spain through the western areas of North America, and India through the east, taking over the land as they go. Eventually, they take over almost the whole of ​the Iberian Peninsula.​
  • Jan 10, 750

    Shift in Power

    Shift in Power
    For a large amount of time, the Umayyads were in charge of the entire Muslim empire. The Abbasids took power and the Umayyads fled to Cordoba. The Abbasids moved the seat of power to Baghdad, and Baghdad became a major trade crossroads because of it.
  • Jan 10, 813

    Reign of Ma'mun

    Between 813 and 833; Ma’mun marched on Baghdad, beheaded its ruler, and took power. His reign lasted for about twenty years. Early Muslim scholars could not agree on whether or not the Quran was created during this time.
  • Jan 10, 900

    West Africa begins to convert to Islam

    West Africa begins to convert to Islam
    The late 900s
    By Islam spreading into West Africa starts the domination of Islam as a world religion. Now many people can convert other Africans to Islam increasing the population of the Islam religion.
  • Jan 10, 1453

    The Ottomans Conquer the Byzantine Empire

    The Ottomans Conquer the Byzantine Empire
    This picture shows the Ottomans conquering Byzantine and Constantinople. By them conquering Constantinople the city was renamed Istanbul. This is important to Islamic history because if the Ottomans didn’t conquer Constantinople, the name of the city wouldn’t be changed.