SBAC Assessments
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Summer 2015:
Final achievement standards for the summative assessment verified and adopted. -
Store Data in the Cloud!
Cloud storage has several advantages over traditional data storage. For example, if students and staff store their data on a cloud storage system, they will be able to access that data from any location with Internet access. This allows for greater collaboration opportunities, accessing files and documents while away from school. -
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Ridgeview School's Healthy School Action Plan will be fully implemented as a partnership with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. -
Paperless Classroom
Watch this tutorial about how to create The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs! -
P21 Exemplar School Status
Continnue to implement the 5 essential ingredients identified as contributing to exemplar schools' success:
1. Student Voice
2. Engaged Community
3. Distributed Leadership
4. Climate of Achievement
5. Evidence & Research -
We Have Arrived!
Full Implementation of e-textbooks