Graduation High school
Minford High School -
Started College
Shawnee State University -
Went to Ocalicon
This is a conference in Columbus Ohio for students, parents teachers and future teachers of deaf and blind students. I felt like I got a lot of information from this conference, I personally think that all education majors should attend conferences pertaining to different exceptionalitites. I feel like they would be able to get of information /ideas about new ways to help the students with multiple exceptionalities . -
Left Shawnee went to Rio Grande University
Great Wolf Lodge
Students from Rio Grande Education department took a group of students from Point Pleasant School to the Great Wolf Lodge for a two day trip. Students from Point Pleasant School are from the multi-handicapped unit. This trip is to provide the students with social experiences along with an incentive trip for positive behaviors throughout the school year. -
Came back to Shawnee
My goal for this class it to find new and exciting ways to teach phonics in my future classroom, so I can help young students to become fluent readers and enjoy literature.