
Revolutions Timline

  • The Revolution Haiti

    The Revolution Haiti
    The revolution began in 1791 when enslaved people rebelled against their french masters.Toussaint L'Ouverturen a black revolutionary led haiti into a fight in 1793 In 1803 Toussaint L’Ouverture was thrown in jail were he died in.By 1804 the french army was defeated and french rule ended in haiti.At this point haiti have one their independence.
  • The Revolution of Mexico

    The Revolution of Mexico
    It all began in September 16th in 1810 when the town named after Hidalgo was pleased of his actions .Miguel Hildalgo and Jose Morelos both catholic preists lost their lives fighting for Mexico’s Independence. By 1821 the fight was won.
  • The Revolution of Brazil

    The Revolution of Brazil
    In 1822 Eight thousand Brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro to rule.
    In 1822 Eight thousand Brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro to rule.By september 7 1822 he officially declared Brazil’s independence.
  • The Revolution of Columbia

    The Revolution of Columbia
    The Revolution began in 1810 when bolivar helped organize a army.Simon Bolivar a latin american liberator led the army he organized into fights that soon led into series of victories against the spanish.He freed one country after another.In 1828 he ruled only columbia. By 1830 he resigned as president.