Revolutions of Latin America.

  • Beginning of The Haitian revolution.

    Beginning of The Haitian revolution.
    The Haitian revolution started in August 14, 1791 when the Creoles along with Toussaint L’Ouverture started a Rebellion. Haiti produced all the sugar in the world at that time so they needed people to work on the sugar plantations so they decided to use black slaves instead. The slaves were under control of the french there were multiples of white french slave owners in Haiti so the Haitian revolution started because they wanted to free Haiti from the french and make Haiti a free country.
  • End of The Haitian revolution.

    End of The Haitian revolution.
    The Haitian Revolution ended on January 1st 1804 The revolution was successful because the revolution actually gave freedom to all the slaves in Haiti and it also made Haiti the first free black republic country. It also made everyone in the encomienda system equal, so to the Haitian people after the revolution the encomienda system didn't actually exist anymore.
  • Start of the Brazilian revolution.

    Start of the Brazilian revolution.
    The Brazilian revolution started in 1807 when king John and Dom pedro wanted to make Brazil a free colony once again. The people in Brazil weren't so happy and that lead the Creoles to start a Rebellion.
  • Beginig of The south American Revolution

    Beginig of The south American Revolution
    The south American started in 1808 when Simon bolivar and Jose san martin wanted to free the south american country and turn it into one called ¨"La gran colombia¨. Bolivar and san martin both wanted and bothe gave freedom to south America from the spaniards.
  • Start of the Mexican revolution.

    Start of the Mexican revolution.
    The mexican revolution started in 1810 when Miguel Hidalgo and costillas, the indians and mestizos wanted racial equality and land. this time the Mexican revolution was lead by the indians and the Mestizos instead of the Creoles. Instead the Creoles felt threatened when the indians and the Mestizos started the Rebellion.
  • End of Mexican revolution.

    End of Mexican revolution.
    The Mexican revolution ended in august, 24, 1821 when the spaniards agreed to the treaty of cordoba. This treaty gave everyone to be equal and gave Mexico the freedom from spain.
  • End of Brazilian Revolution

    End of Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution ended on February 1822 when Dom Pedro gave Brazil freedom from the Portuguese. Even though the revolution lasted long everything stayed the same.
  • End of The South American revolution.

    End of The South American revolution.
    The south American revolution ended in, simon bolivar gave the freedom panam venezuela, Bolivia, colombia, and peru
    he accomplished his dream of seeing south america united as one country. Simon bolivar died at the age of 47 in santa marta colombia on december, 6, 1830. Jose san martin died year after in french land.