Revolutions Digital Timeline

  • Thirty Year's War

    Thirty Year's War
    1618-1648. This event took place because while Emperor Ferdinand II was the head of state, religious conflict began. Some major things that happened during this event were that he tried to force the people to obey Roman Catholicism, although religious freedom had been granted. This event is important because it changed the face of Europe and the role religion could play in a nation.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    This bill took place because there had to be specific constitutional and civil rights outlined for the people and parliament. Some major things that happened during this event were that it became a primary law that was able to develop a constitutional monarchy in England. This event is important because it was able to inspire the U.S. Bill of Rights.
  • War of the Austrian Succession

    War of the Austrian Succession
    December 16, 1740-October 18, 1748. This event took place because of the death of Charles VI. He was the emperor and head of the Austrian Branch. Some major things that happened during this event were that Frederick II invaded Silesia. This event is important because his army defeated the Austrians and therefore overran Silesia.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    1765-1783. This event took place because of a series of wars and revolts over many issues. The people rioted over freedom of religion, rights, goods, and just freedom in general. Some major things that happened during this event were the Stamp act winning Independence from Great Britain. This event is important because it shaped the way that government and the U.S. is run today.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    Stamp Act Passed
    This event took place because the British Empire was in very deep debt from war. They made the first internal tax levied on American colonists by Britain. Some major things that happened during this event were mobs acting in violence because they viewed these actions as unconstitutional. This event is important because after all this had been done these issues were never fully resolved causing the colonists to later rebel against Britain.
  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    Treaty of Paris Signed
    This event took place because the American Revolutionary war had gone on for so long and this would be a peace treaty gaining Americas Independence. Some major things that happened during this event were representatives of King George III negotiating this peace treaty with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay. This event is important because it ended the American Revolutionary War.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This event took place because on June 17 talks over procedure were stalled, causing the Third Estate to meet alone and three days later meeting in an indoor tennis court. In this court they promised not to leave until they were able to achieve some kind of constitutional reform. During that time, many of the clerical deputies and 47 liberal nobles had joined in this meeting. This event is important because Louis XVI absorbed all three orders into the new assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    This event took place because the people wanted to attempt to claim gunpowder and weapons. Therefore rioting and storming the Bastille. Some major things that happened during this event were that while 30 of those guarding were killed, 98 of those attacking were killed in the process. This event is important because this led to the start of the French Revolution.
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  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    September 5, 1793-July 27, 1794. This event took place because Maximilian de Robespierre got out of control, pushing the the French Revolution to become the Reign of Terror. Some major things that happened during this event were that Robespierre died in the guillotine and that more than 40,000 people were murdered or executed. This event is important because it led to Napoleon Bonaparte seizing power and ending the French Revolution.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    May 5, 1789-1799. This event took place because the people in France wanted to bring an end to monarchy, aristocracy, and religious control in their lives. Some major things that happened during this event were the Reign of Terror. This event is important because it played a major role in shaping modern nations by showing everyone the power that the people hold.