Thirty years war

Revolutions Digital Timeline

By iAura
  • Thirty Year’s War 1618-1648

    Thirty Year’s War 1618-1648
    How: This series of wars happened due to the unsuccessful attempt by the Bohemian king to force Catholicisms to all people in his lands.
    What happened: A war between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants starting in Germany.
    Why Important: The reason this war was very important because it majorly changed the outcome of today's religious groups. It also changed the "geopolitical face of Europe and role of religion and nation-states in society"
  • English Bill of Rights 1689

    English Bill of Rights 1689
    How: James Madison wrote the bill of rights to protect and secure the rights of an individual.
    What happened: James Madison wrote 27 Amendments of which 25 are in the Bill of Rights, which secured the rights of individuals in the America/USA. For example the first amendment is the "freedom of speech" and the 5th is "Anyone has the right to remain silent
    Why Important: It is important for all people to know their rights and other people's rights.
  • War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748

    War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748
    How: The War of the Austrian Succession was caused by the invasion of the king of Prussia on the neighboring lands owned by the Prince of province of Silesia and the death of Charles IV.
    What happened: After the invasion on Silesia, huge countries like Britain and France were involved in helping and trading and allying with third party countries. In the end the economic and physical war between Britain and France lasted for a long while.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    How: The Stamp Act was put through by the British Parliament.
    What happened: This act required American colonists to pay higher tax on everything that was sent that had paper printed products, ex: paper, cards, newspaper, books, journals, etc.
    Why Important: This is known to be the reason the American Revolution was sparked, which is one of the most important if not the most important event in American History,
  • American Revolution 1765-1783

    American Revolution 1765-1783
    How: "the shot heard around the world" was the official start of the American Revolution. The battle started in Lexington and Concord when a shot was fired by one soldier.
    What happened: A war/revolution between the British and the American United-States colonists. The battle ended in Virginia when the British flocks of soldiers were forced to be called off when trapped by colonists with the help of France.
    Why Important: The most impact full event in american history. USA wouldn't be USA.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    After United States gained the respect of France as being an independent country, Napoleon who was at war at that moment in Europe sold the land west of Mississippi river to the United States, and signed a treaty recognizing it as the land owned by USA. This was what started the push of the "westward expansion" which is one of the most important event in History as well as the American Revolution because this was land never seen by Europeans. This treaty also doubled the size of US.
  • Storming of the Bastille 1789 - July

    Storming of the Bastille 1789 - July
    The Storming of the Bastille was the official start of the French Revolution. It was a violent attack by the citizens of France (mostly lower class) onto the government. This was an important event because it was the start of the French Revolution and it was caused by the corrupted system of the government also abusing the absolute monarchy system.
  • Tennis Court Oath 1789 - June

    Tennis Court Oath 1789 - June
    The tennis court oath was made by the non-privileged lasses in France that opposed the government and promised to stay together and not separate until a constitution was made similar to the one in the USA. The only reason it is called the Tennis Court is because they were restricted to having meeting in their usual places so they all gathered on a near by tennis court. The Importance of this event was that it was the spark to the French Revolution.
  • French Revolution 1789-1799 - May

    French Revolution 1789-1799 - May
    Like it was mentioned the Tennis Court Oath was the spark to the French Revolution. The Revolution was the poor striking against the noble class, to have a righteous system and a fair constitution and getting rid of absolute monarchy. Napoleon was at rise, as the citizens raided their own villages. But even after all this the economic system was broken, there were droughts, lost of harvest, high prices for food, the country was on the brink of collapse and the poor were in shambles.
  • Reign of Terror 1793-1794

    Reign of Terror 1793-1794
    The Reign of Terror was part of the French Revolution, after the peasants took power, there were many harsh massacres and executions onto nobles, priests and the general high classes. This was a very dark time of the revolution as at the same time, there was very bad food supply because most people were on revolt, and there were massive killings.