Rang the Bell "The Cry Of Dolores"
Padre Miguel rang the bell called "The Cry of Dolores" on 09/16/1810. -
Venezuela declared it's independence
The congress of Venezuela declared the nation's independence on 5 July 1811, and later wrote a constitution for it. -
Miguel Hidalgo was executed
Hidalgo himself was later executed by a firing squad on July 30, 1811. -
San Martin was appointed Protector of Peru
On 12 July 1821, after seizing partial control of Lima, San Martín was appointed Protector of Peru. -
Dom Pedro was accepted to be the title of Perpetual Defender
13 May 1822, accepted the title of Perpetual Defender offered by the Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro. -
San Martin met Simon Bolivar
On July 26th, 1822 San Martin met with Simon Bolivar in Guayaquil, Ecuador. -
Brazil declared independence
Brazil officially declared their indepence. -
San Martin defeated the Spanish
With unified revolutionary forces, Bolivar's army went on to defeat the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho (Peru) . -
Dom Pedro I abdicated in favor of his son Dom Pedro II
Unable to deal with problems in both Brazil and Portugal simultaneously, on 7 April 1831 Pedro I abdicated in favor of his son Dom Pedro II, and sailed for Europe. -
Dom Pedro die of tuberculosis
Pedro I died of tuberculosis on 24 September 1834, just a few months after he and the liberals had emerged victorious.