Rappe- Ed Tech Timeline

By adrappe
  • Period: 500 BCE to 380 BCE

    The Elder Sophists

    The Elder Sophists were a loose group of freelance teachers. They embodied a pre-socratic liberal tradition in which group discussion was used to solve problems. They are regarded as paving the way for liberal arts education. The sophists sought to combine science and the arts… a struggle that continues to this day
  • Period: 1100 to 1200


    Scholasticism was used at early religious schools (which eventually led to the development of Universities) and it notable for presenting students with the pros and cons surrounding an idea and allowing them to draw conclusion. This technique is an early pre-cursor to modern scientific thinking.
  • John Dury Proposes the Modern Lending Library

    John Dury Proposes the Modern Lending Library
    I chose to add this to the timeline as libraries are such a critical educational tool. Prior to his proposal, libraries were private. Dury proposes hiring librarians to serve as subject matter experts who are capable of suggesting books. He also proposes cataloging books in s systematic manner that would allow for expansion. Dury, J. (1972). The reformed school and the reformed library keeper. Scolar Pr.
  • Comenious published "The World in Pictures"

    Comenious published "The World in Pictures"
    In addition to his novel ideas such as a systemic, sequential instructional method, Comenious' influential text was widely used for centuries.
  • Period: to

    Early American Schools

    Early American schools consisted of the "one-room school house" which functioned on the village schoolmaster model with its focus on rote memorization. Little to no evidence of pedological awareness or structure is mentioned beyond basic memorization.
  • Period: to

    Monitorial System

    While criticized for its highly mechanical nature of instruction, the Monitorial system in some respects was the precursor to public schools in the United States. Classrooms also featured innovative use of instructional materials, such as use of sand for writing to save paper.
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    Audio/Visual Movement: Film adopted as an instructional medium

    Began in early 1900's.
    Culminated and used en massé during World War II.
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    Programmed Instruction Movement

    Credited with the beginning of a systems approach to instructional design (i.e. formative evaluation).
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    PBS Era: Educational Television

    The next logical step from WWII era instructional films was the use of the new medium of television to reach a broader audience. This effort was bolstered by the creation of the Public Broadcasting Stations (PBS) in the 1960's.
  • Period: to

    Systems Approach Expands: Number of instructional design models expands

    The number of instructional design models greatly expand beyond the early work of Gagné in the 1960’s. Models branch out to includes other user groups such as the military and corporate sectors.
  • Period: to

    Computer Age: Educational Technology

    Primarily used in a more limited capacity (i.e. word processing and programming) until the internet becomes more widely avilable.
  • Period: to

    Evolution: Cognitive Psychology

    The 1980’s saw the use of cognitive psychology applied to the field of instructional design. Furthermore, expansion of the instructional design models in the 1970’s is building towards a more broad field of Performance Technology.
  • The Oregon Trail widely adopted as a educational computer game

    The Oregon Trail widely adopted as a educational computer game
    I chose to add the Oregon trail as it is widely regarded as the most widely adopted educational computer game. On a personal note, it is also my earliest memory of using a computer on an Apple II sometime in the mid 1980’s. This game is the precursor to modern “gamification” trends in educational technology. https://www.format.com/magazine/features/design/you-have-died-of-dysentery-oregon-trail-design
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    Performance Technology

    The 1990's sees the rise of Performance Technology with Instructional design as a sub-set of this more broad field. Focus in Performance technology may lead one away from purely instructional means of solving educational problems (i.e. incentives or other changes may provide the desired result).
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    Internet Age

    Schools have increased access to the internet. This opens up new and seemingly limitless avenues for research and education. However, disparities in widespread broadband access still exist to this day despite technological advances.
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    Mobile Technology Age

    I have added this section as I feel it is the next major innovation after widespread adoption of the internet. With the advent of the IPhone in 2007, use of mobile internet enabled technology has greatly increased. Mobile technology has enabled many new educational opportunities such as the use of augmented reality and offers the promise of continued integration into education moving forward. https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2007/01/09Apple-Reinvents-the-Phone-with-iPhone/