Question 4

  • Prezi

    I used the programme prezi for my Media Studies Preparatory Task which was for the Research of the Advanced Portfolio. This was one of my favourite programmes to use as I found it really easy to use and I loved the visual presentation it provides. This programme is very interactive and was very easy to upload onto my blog. However, I did find this programme was very time-consuming and was tricking to get use to in AS.
  • Timetoast

    I have used this programme (Timetoast) to help me to produce a production schedule. This helped me to plan out all the tasks and key dates in the advanced portfolio project. From AS to now, I believe my skills and knowledge have improved very much. In AS, I did not know how to use it, so I barely used it. But in A2, I always referred to my timetoast, as it really helped my organisational skills, which allowed me to stick to every deadline.
  • Emaze

    I used Emaze for my Media Studies Preparatory Task which will be used for my Research for the Advanced Portfolio. I used this programme to present my creative ideas on a creative platform. This programme allowed me to present my work to a professional standard, which I found to be very appealing for the one viewing this piece of work. I have previously used this piece of technology in my AS yet, but it is clearly evident that my skills have developed in my A2 year.
  • Period: to


    Throughout this process, I have use used this programme (Blogger) to keep a record of all the tasks I have completed. This includes my creative process in the production of this project, research/case studies embedded in various technologies, progress in lessons, project feedback, pitches/presentations and much more.
    I believe my skills learnt in AS has been very helpful in my A2 year. Due to my experiences in AS, I was able to improve on certain skills, such as using the HTML page properly.
  • Blogger

    Here, I have used blogger to construct my case studies. I did not use any creative technologies for my three case studies, as I believe that blogger was a perfect programme to clearly present my case studies, I did not want the animations of a creative technology to distract the viewer from my case study. In my AS year, I believe I spent too much time on making my case studies look nice instead of looking at the quality of my case study. I did not want to repeat this mistake again.
  • Youtube

    Youtube has been one of the most useful and important programmes I have used for research. I used Youtube to search for potential song I Could use for my case studies and my chosen track for this project. I also used Youtube to upload my target audience feedback, so I could successfully upload these videos onto my blog as Quicktime was not a suitable format to place on my blog.
  • DSLR Camera (Practice)

    DSLR Camera (Practice)
    Using the DSLR camera for the first time for filming was a great experience for me. I believe this practice was beneficial for me as I needed to build my skills for the main filming session that will come up later down the project. I did find some difficulties when it came to setting up the camera and selecting the right settings, but once I became used to it, filming became a lot more productive.
  • Period: to


    Google was one of the most effective programmes I have used throughout this project; it has helped me in carrying out research, gathering lyrics, being the main tool to find other websites and gathering images for case studies/print products and images that supported my blog posts in general.
  • Final Cut Pro

    Final Cut Pro
    Using Final Cut Pro for the first time was very complicated. I did not know how to use the programme effectively, however, I did get the hang of it. This was seen when we completed our mock video to the song 'Happy', the editing skills were a bit basic, but we got the lip sync on point.
  • Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word
    We used Microsoft word in order to type up our lyrics to our chosen track. As our song lyrics were not found on Google, we had to manually type out the lyrics. This was extremely easy as I have soo much experience in using this software, however typing out all the lyrics was very time-consuming. We also used this software as most of the course documents we used were create on Microsoft, so in order to fully understand what we had to complete, we had to use and refer to this software.