First Clue
Question 8
Name 3 collaborative clues students can use. -
a. Students can use toontastic together to create a story about pretty much anything
b. Use Linoit to create a post it board based on ideas or responses from a text or prompt
c. “Will You Type With Me” is a tool for students to have an interactive conversation about any topic. The administrator can delete and stop the conversation at any time. This gives the students a chance to voice their opinion without fear of being ridiculed. -
a. Cite tool for students to use. They plug in their information and a citation for both MLA and APA is given to them. -
Third Clue
Question 10:
List 5 ways group collaboration can improve your teaching. -
a. Learn new ideas from others
b. Get help with your ideas
c. Step out of your comfort zone
d. More brainstorming ideas produced
e. There is no “I” in “team”, “learn”, or solo teacher”- get help from others because you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. -
Fourth Clue
Question 1
What are the 9 elements or themes for digital citizenship? -
a. digital access
b. digital commerce
c. digital communication
d. digital literacy
e. digital etiquette
f. digital law
g. digital rights and responsibilities
h. digital health and wellness
i. digital security (self-protection) -
5th clue
Question 6
Choose one of the following... It is acceptable or unacceptable for a teacher to record a TV broadcast and show it in class. (Use the following chart as a reference) -
a. It is only acceptable if they went through the right amount of steps to legally get the broadcast. Also, it should be used for an instructional manner and not for entertainment. -
6th clue
Question 4
Name one cool thing you have learned or have done with students, teachers, or administrators at your school. Explain why it was successful, or share one thing that was maybe not so successful. -
a. We used iPads to research and categorize what types of leaves we found around Billings. The students took pictures through Leafsnap and the app located a selection of trees we could chose from. -
7th clue
Question 9:
Name two ways you can model digital citizenship for your students. -
a. Cite your sources for any papers or presentations that you create. Make sure to give credit to the original makers
b. Teachers can model what is appropriate to post online and what is not through examples. Give examples about what are appropriate pictures and what are not. It is also important to stress that you should not put personal information on any site such as your home address, telephone number, work or class schedule. -
8th clue
Question 5:
Who is responsible for teaching the students at your school about digital citizenship? -
a. The classroom teacher -
9th clue
Question 2
What is the definition for digital citizenship? -
a. Is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders, and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. It is a way to prepare students/technology users for society full of technology. -
10th clue
Question 7
Explore the Classroom 2.0 website. What might it offer teachers? -
a. There are groups and a blog feature
b. The live aspect “is an opportunity to gather with other members of the community in real-time events, complete with audio, chat, desktop sharing, and sometimes even video. You are invited to join us for our weekly Saturday show with co-hosts Peggy George, Kim Caise and Lorna Costantini!”