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Q3-Timeline-William Johnston-Dalat/World History

  • Period: 550 to

    Chapter 12-Islam

    Islam is a very impacting culture for many people and has many important dates that make up the beginning of Islam, some of the dates are. 570-Muhammad’s birth, 610-Angel tells Muhammad to spread work of god, 613-Muhammad spreads the message, 622-Muhammad and his followers go to spread culture, 632-Muhammad dies and Islam is spread around more.
  • 632

    Chapter 12.1-Arabia-Muhammad’s death

    In 632, Muhammad had died and Arabian tribes had accepted the Islamic culture and his teachings were spread beyond Arabia.
  • 711

    Chapter 12.3-Spain-Spain gets taken over by Islamic Empires

    During 711, Arab and Berber invaded Spain and quickly took it over. Then the army moved to France but got stopped by a Christian army and they lost and stayed in Spain.
  • 749

    Chapter 12.3-Spain-A new Islamic Dynasty comes to power

    In 749 a new Dynasty started by the Abbasids. They changed the Goverment to make it better to rule a larger religion and helped Islam spread through trade.
  • 1320

    12.4-Countries-Ibn Battutah Goes To Travel the World

    The explorer Ibn Battutah traveled to India, Africa, China and Spain in the 1320’s to help create maps of the world
  • Chapter 12-Penang-(MDE) The Islamic Religion

    One of Islamics greatest achievements must have been how far and wide the religion has spread throughout the world and is still used today by many people who are scattered all over the globe