
  • 387 BCE

    Mental process

    Plato suggested that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes.
  • 335 BCE

    Hearts is a mechanism

    Aristotle suggested that the heart is the mechanism of mental processes.
  • Mental illness

    Franz Mesmer detailed his cure for some mental illness, originally called mesmerism and now known as hypnosis.
  • Mental patients

    1793 Philippe Pinel released the first mental patients from confinement in the first massive movement for more humane treatment of the mentally ill.
  • Phrenology

    Franz Gall wrote about phrenology (the idea that a person’s skull shape and placement of bumps on the head can reveal personality traits.
  • Noticeable difference

    Ernst Heinrich Weber published his perception theory of ‘Just Noticeable DIfference,’ now known as Weber’s Law.
  • Damage to da brain

    Phineas Gage suffered brain damage when an iron pole pierces his brain. His personality was changed but his intellect remained intact suggesting that an area of the brain plays a role in personality.
  • View of evolution

    Charles Darwin published the On the Origin of Species, detailing his view of evolution and expanding on the theory of ‘Survival of the fittest.’
  • Language development

    French physician Paul Broca discovered an area in the left frontal lobe that plays a key role in language development.
  • Herditary genuis

    1869 Sir Francis Galton, Influenced by Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species,’ publishes ‘Hereditary Genius,’ and argues that intellectual abilities are biological in nature.
    1874 Carl Wernicke published his work on the frontal lobe, detailing that damage to a specific area damages the ability to understand or produce language
    1878 G. Stanley Hall received the first American Ph.D. in psychology. He later founded the American Psychological Association.
  • Formal lab

    Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal laboratory of Psychology at the University of Leipzig, marking the formal beginning of the study of human emotions, behaviors, and cognitions.
  • First lab of psychology

    The first laboratory of psychology in America is established at Johns Hopkins University.
  • Memory processes

    1885 Herman Ebbinghaus introduced the nonsense syllable as a means to study memory processes.
  • Therapy

    Sigmund Freud began performing therapy in Vienna, marking the beginning of personality theory.
  • Mental test

    1890 The term “Mental Tests” was coined by James Cattell, beginning the specialization in psychology now known as psychological assessment.
  • Foundation of American psychology

    1892 Foundation of the American Psychological Association (APA) headed by G. Stanley Hall, with an initial membership of 42.
  • First laboratory of psychodiagnosis

    Alfred Binet founded the first laboratory of psychodiagnosis.
  • Writings by john dewey

    Writings by John Dewey began the school of thought known as functionalism.
  • The law of effect

    Edward Thorndike developed the ‘Law of Effect,’ arguing that “a stimulus-response chain is strengthened if the outcome of that chain is positive.”
  • The beginning

    Sigmund Freud published ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ marking the beginning of Psychoanalytic Thought.