First Psychology Laboratory
Wilhelm Wundt set up a lab in 1879 in the city of Leipzig, Germany
It was is the first experimental laboratory in psychology
Established psychology as an academic discipline within the University of Leipzig -
First American Psychology Lab
G. Stanley Hall established the first U.S. experiemental psychology lab at Johns Hopkins University
He was a student of Wilhelm Wundt -
First Professor of Psychology
James McKeen Cattell was givent the academic title "professor of psychology"
It was the first time the U.S. used this title
He was a student of Wilhelm Wundt
He served at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania and Columbia University -
Principles of Psychology
William James published a book entitled Principles of Psychology which explained the principles of psychology. -
APA Founded
G.Stanly Hall founded the American Psychological Association and is the first president. -
Founded by Wilhelm Wundt
Wundt broke down consciousness into objective senstations and subjective feelings
Stucturalism is the fist school of psychology
Focuses on breaking down the mental process into the most basic components -
Early school of pychology
It is the study of how mental processes help organisims adapt to their environment
Focuses on the acts and functions of the mind rather than its internal contents
"Experience is a continous 'stream of consciousness'"
William James is one of the founders of Functionalis -
Sigmund Freud founded this
It emphasizes unconscious motives and internal conflics in human behavior
Mr. Freud also developed psychodynamic thinking: assumes that most of what exists in an individual's mind is unconscious and consists of conflicting impulses, urges, and wishes
Theorized: the key to human bejvior is satisfying desires
He had an emphasis on the sexual origins of psychological disorders -
Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freid introduded his theory of psychoanalysis in his books, which explored topics like unconscious, techniques of free association, and sexuality as a driving force in human psychology. -
First APA Woman President
Mary Calkins was elected president of the American Pychological Association.
She was a professor and researcher and studied at Harvard University but was denied her PhD because of her gender. -
Psycholoanalyst cisit Clark Univeristy
Simund Freud and Carl Jubg visit the U.S. for a Pycholoanalysis Symposium at Clark Univeristy.
It was organized by G. Stanley Hall
Freud gave a speech which was only given in the U.S. there. -
John B. Watson founded the school of behviorism
Focuses on observable and measurable behavior
Defined psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior. Says that a person can be totally conditioned by external evenst and that belief in individual choice is "just an illusion" and people have three basic emtional reactions: fear, rage, and love. -
B.F. Skinner added to the begaviorist tradition with reinforemcent
Showed that if animals that are rewarded for a certain action, they are more likely to perform that action again
Believed people learn in the same way animals do
Also, he believed that behavior depended on what happened after an evvent/sensation, not before: Operant Behavior -
Rorschach test Created
Hermann Rorschach devided a personality test based on patients' interpretations of inkblots.
He was a Swiss psychologist. -
Gestalt School
Developed by Max Wertheimner, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler who were German pychologists
Gestalt pyschology is an alternative to behaviorism and structuralism.
Based on the idea that our perceptions of object are more than the sum of their parts. They are wholes that give a shape/meaning to the parts.
Rejects the sturctualist idea that experience can be broken down into individual parts.elements and also rejects the behviorist idea that only observable behavior is important -
Psychologists persecuted
The Nazi party gained control fo the governmet in Germany and many psychologists,who had book banned and burned in public rallies, moved to Britain or the United States.
Freud was one of them. -
The Behvaior of Organisms
B.F. Skinner published his book, The Behavior of Organisms, which introduced the concept of operant conditioning.
The book drew attention to begaviorism and inpired lab research on conditioning. -
New President of the ASA
Wolfgang Kohler is elected president of the American Psychological Association
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