Period: 300 BCE to
Psychology In History
Within human history, we've discovered many things about our brain and how it works. -
264 BCE
Zeno founds stoicism with the idea that to succeed, one must control their emotions. -
Classified Feelings
Galen was the first to classify emotions. -
Francis Bacon published "Proficience And Advancement Of Learning." -
Be Rational
"A Treatise Of Rational Psychology" was published by Christian von Wolff. -
Franz Mesmer utilized the hypnosis treatment. -
Asylum patients were now subject to more humane treatment. -
Lab Grand Opening
Wilhelm Wundt opens the first experimental psychology lab. -
Sigmund Freud starts performing therapy and establishes the theory of personality. -
APA, American Psychological Association, was founded by G. Stanley Hall. -
What Do I Have?
Alfred Binet opens the first psycho-diagnosis laboratory. -
Girl Power
Mary Calkins was the first female president of the APA. -
John Watson published "Psychology As A Behaviorist Views It" which is the start of Behavioral Psychology. -
War Time
Army intelligence tests were introduced -
Ink Blots
The Rorschach test was invented by Hermann Rorschach. -
Brain Waves
EEG was invented by Hans Berger. -
How Smart?
The intelligence test was created by Wechsler & Bellevue. -
Hearing Voices?
Thorazine is first used as treatment for schizophrenia. -
The first doctorate for Psychology is rewarded at the University of Illinois. -
Gay Is Okay
The APA removed homosexuality being a mental disorder. -
Happy Pills
Prozac was made available as an antidepressant.