Feb 23, 622
Muhammed (SAW) migrates to Medina
Muhammad and his few hundred followers left Mecca and traveled to Medina. They did this because Muslims were being persacuted unfairly and Makkah and evne tortured. The Prophet had sent many Muslims to seek safety in Medina before he finally migrated himself because of an assanation attempt. Muhammad remained here for the next six years. The outcome of this was that now their was a building Muslim community and gradually gathering more and more people were accepting Islam because they need not -
Feb 24, 622
Migration to Medina 2
fear toture. What I learned from this is to be resistent but not extremely stubborn. If the Prophet stayed longer in Makkah he might have been murdered or would not have a safe place to recruit more Muslims and practise his religion in peace. -
Mar 23, 624
Battle of Badr
The Muslims won the Battle of Badr, even though the Muslims were outnumbered by their opponents 3:1. This was the first major battle and it was fought against Quraysh at the wells of Badr. Before the Prophet decided to fight the Meccans, he consulted the Muslims who emigrated from Mecca (called muhajirun) and Muslims from Medina (called ansar). He waited for the support of the Muslims from Medina because the -
Mar 24, 624
Battle of Badr 2
Constitution of Medina that they signed on to did not include fighting outside of Medina. Once he received their support, the Prophet Muhammad decided to engage in battle. This teaches me that even though the prophet knew they needed to fight the Quraysh, he still consulted other and followed the proper laws and did not think himself above the laws. -
Mar 23, 625
Battle of Uhud
The Muslims lost this battle. This was fought on Mount Uhud against Meccans lead by Abu Safyan. At first it seemed like the Muslims were winning until a small group or archers disobeyed the Prophet's (SAW) orders because they thought they had won but didn't think their plan through. This teaches me that I should always listen to Allahs orders because I do not know best and they are good for me even if I do not see how. -
Dec 23, 626
Expedition/Invasion of Banu Mustaliq
This invatione was successful because the Muslims returned with 200 families as captives, 200 camels and 5000 sheep and goats, as well as a huge quantity of household goods. The Prophet invaded Banu Mustaliq (a jewish tribe) because they betrayed him and wer planning to attack. This teaches me to always be on guard and just because things are good now, that doesn't mean they won't change. -
Apr 23, 627
Battle of the Trench/Siege of Medina
The Muslims outlasted this battle, so in a way they were victorious. Quraysh had partnered with many Jewish tribes, even some that they convinced to betray the Prophet (SAW). I learned many things from this battle, first is that to never discredit ideas because of race. The idea that helped the Muslims most was digging trenches and a Persian man came up with it. So we should not judge due to race. The other is that you must do everything to protect Islam within reason. I learned this because the -
Apr 24, 627
Battle of the Trench/Siege of Medina 2
Prophet sent in a spy to earn the enemies trust and plant thoughts. -
Jan 23, 630
The Conquest of Mecca
Due to the treaty, the Muslims had become a large force and so in year 8AH the Prophet Muhammad decided to take an army of 10,000 towards Mecca. Once the Muslims had reached Mecca, the leaders of Quraysh surrendered because they recognized the Muslims as too large of a threat. At this point majority of Mecca converted to Islam. This teaches me that if you do what Allah asks you will be rewarded no matter what. After so many years of hardships most of the Muslims' problems were over due to the -
Jan 24, 630
The Conquest of Mecca 2
patience they showed and the strength of their faith in Allah. -
Feb 24, 633
To conclude I have learned many things from the way the Prophet (SAW) lived and acted in certain circumstances. The years after the Hijra, Muhammed thought stratigically for the better of Islam. In Mecca he mostly tried to preach Islam in secret and focused on strengthening people faith while the period in Medina was focused on spreading Islam and teaching. This shows how patience is valued and how you have to think about the future as well as the present. -
Feb 24, 633
Conclusion 2
Upon understanding the hardships faced, Islam has an increased value in my opinion. -
Feb 24, 635
Bibliography 2
"Islamic History Timeline." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-history-biographies/34866-islamic-history-timeline.html.
"Life of Muhammed." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://www.pbs.org/muhammad/timeline_html.shtml.
"Truce of Hudaibiya." Truce of Hudaibiya. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://www.duas.org/Hudaibiya.htm.
"Why Did Mohammad Migrate to Medina in 622?" WikiAnswers. Answers, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Mohamm -
Feb 24, 635
"The Battle Of The Trench." The Battle Of The Trench. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://www.thewaytotruth.org/prophetmuhammad/trench.html.
"Important Events: The Battle of Badr | Inside Islam." Inside Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://insideislam.wisc.edu/2012/04/important-events-the-battle-of-badr/.
"Important Events: The Conquest of Mecca | Inside Islam." Inside Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. http://insideislam.wisc.edu/2012/04/important-events-the-conquest-of-mecca/. -
Feb 24, 635
Bibliography 3
"Experiencing Islam  Fall 2005  Reading Assignments." Experiencing Islam  Fall 2005  Reading Assignments. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. http://classes.colgate.edu/osafi/relg328/pagetwo2005.htm.
"In Islam." In Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. http://in-islam.com/battles-and-invasions-in-islam/. -
Treaty of Hudaibiya
This treaty was signed between the two sides (Muslims and Quraysh), which recognized the Muslims as a new force in Arabia and gave them freedom to move unmolested throughout Arabia but was very unfair and many Muslims thought signing the treaty was a blow to Islam but in fact it was the opposite. They Muslims were able to spread Islam to different countries without having to worry about war with Mecca. Meccan allies breached the treaty a year later. This taught me to always look at the long -
Treaty of Hudaibiya 2
term affects as well as the short term, just like the Prophet did when he signed the treaty.