Jun 13, 622
Migration from Mecca to Medina
The Muslims migrated to Yathrib after many years of persecution. 70 families travelled from Mecca to Yathrib. The Quraysh tried to stop them from leaving but they were unsuccessful. The Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr hid in a cave where they were almost discovered but because of Allah they were saved. They then carried on to Yathrib and reached there successfully. -
Jun 27, 622
Building of the Prophet's (SAW) mosque
When the Prophet (SAW) went to Medina, he wanted a place to build a mosque and his house. He decided that the way how he was going to choose it was by letting his she-camel kneel where ever she wished to. That place would then be the place used to build the mosque and his house. He bought the land and immediately started to build the mosque with the help of the Muslims. Muslims did their prayers facing Holy Jeruselum for 16 months until Allah revealed that the Ka'baa was the new Qiblah. -
Jun 30, 622
Pact of Brotherhood between the Ansar and Muhajirun
The Ansar and Muhajirun worked together to build the Prophet's Mosque but the Prophet (SAW) wanted something more formal to bind Muslims on both sides so he enjoined upon them a pact of brotherhood. These ties supersede previous tribal ties. It joined all the Muslims as one Ummah and not different tribes. -
Oct 1, 622
Constitution of Medina
When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated from Mecca to Medina, he joined a diverse community made of different tribes and faith. There were also Aws, Khazrij, Banu Quraidha, Banu An Nadheer, and Banu Qainuqaa. In order to bring them together, Prophet Muhummad (SAW) drew a constitution. The constitution was made of about 50 clauses and insisted on the peaceful relation between internal groups of Medina. The common responsility to defend it against any aggressors. -
Mar 13, 623
Battle of Badr
It was the first battle with the pagans after the Muslims moved to Madinah. In this battle the pagan army consisted of 950 fighters and the Muslim army consisted of 314 fighters. Muslims were outnumbered greatly but int he end, they won. 70 pagans were killed and Muslims took 70 of them prisoners. This was a great victory for the Muslims -
Mar 30, 624
Battle of Uhud
The Muslims readied for war soon afterwards and the two armies fought on the slopes and plains of Uhud. The Muslims gained the early initiative and forced the Meccan lines back, thus leaving much of the Meccan camp unprotected. As the Muslims left their assigned posts to despoil the Meccan camp, a surprise attack came upon them and the Muslims lost. -
Jan 1, 626
Battle of the Trench
The Quraysh were mad that they could not kill the Prophet (SAW). They came together with Banu Nadheer and planned to attack the Muslims as well as other tribes. The Qurasyh and their allies exceeded 10,000 men while the Muslims only had around 3,000 men. When the Muslims knew about this, the Prophet (SAW) held a meeting to see what they should do. Salman Al-Farisee suggested that they should build a trench. The Muslims won the battle amazingly. -
Feb 1, 627
Battle of Quraythah
Banu Quraythah failed to abide by a pact that they had with the Prophet (SAW) when they supported the non-Muslim army during the Battle of the Trench. The Muslim army be sieged them for more than 20 days when they finally agreed to let the Prophet to decided on an arbiter. He asked Sa`d Ibn Mu'aath who was the chief of the Al-Aws a former ally of Banu Quraythah. He said that all those who were involved in this should be killed if they did it out of thier own free will. The Prophet (SAW) agreed. -
Sep 15, 627
Treaty of Hudaybiyah (first Monday of Dhul-Qi'dah 6AH)
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) left Medinah with his companions to perform Umrah in Makkah, after seeing it in a dream. He took 70 camels and 1400 Muslims. The Quraish were alarmed and Khalid ibn Waleed was sent with 200 men to to prevent the entry of the pilgrims. The Prophet then re-routed the expedition to Al-Hudaibiyah, a well. After many long days of peace negotiations, the Quraish and the Muslims established a peace treaty. They were un- allowed to go to Umrah that year as a rssult of treaty -
Dec 10, 635
Link to todays life
It links to our life today because there are lessons that we can take from these events. For example, we learn how to be principaled after seeing how principaled the Prophet (SAW) was like when he turned away Muslims due to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. We also can learn from the Prophet to never give up hope and our trust and belief in Allah. The Prophet did not give up hope even when he was almost caught in the cave with Abu Bakr by the Quraysh. This shows how much he trusted and belived in Allah. -
Conquest of Mecca
The Quraysh broke the Treay of Hudaybiyyah by helping their ally Banu Bakr in attacking Banu Khuzaa'ah an ally of the Prophet (SAW).They killed more than 20 men from Banu Khuzaa'ah even when they begged them to re-consider since they were in a sacred area but Banu Bakr and Quraysh did not listen. When Banu Khuzaa'ah sent word about this to the Prophet (SAW) he told the messenger to he was a man of principal and Quraysh broke the treaty. He then helped Banu Khuzaa'ah and he took over Mecca -
The Letter of the Prophet (saw) to Al-Mundhir ibn Saawa
After the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, peaceful conditions started with Prophet Mohammad (saw) with him, writing letters to eight superior, foreign emporers and rulers, calling upon them to accept Islam. He chose his ambassadors carefully, since they were risking their lives to spread the message of message of Allah and His religion. He sealedthe letters using his seal so that they knew that it was really a letter from the Prophet (SAW). Some accept Islam while others didn't