Nov 18, 622
The Hijra
Prophet Mohammed and his followers flee to Medina. This move marks the beginning of the Islamic calender (AH, Anno Hegirae). -
Nov 18, 622
Prophet's 2nd Marriage
Prophet Mohammaed marries Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr was the prophet's closest companion, the first believer and the first Khalifa. -
Nov 18, 622
Prophet's Mosque
The building of the first mosque in Islam. It holds the tomb of the prophet, and it is the second most sacred mosque in Islam. -
Nov 18, 622
Constitution of Medina
Prophet Mohammed drafted a charter that established Islam as a powerful religious and political body. Many agreements made with surrounding tribes and religious groups became the constitution of Medina. -
Nov 18, 624
Battle of Badr
Muslims succesfully attacked Meccan caravans at Badr. The muslim army had around 330 men, while the Meccan army had roughly 1000. 14 muslim men were killed, but up to 70 Meccan men were killed. They attribute their success to Allah's assistance. -
Nov 18, 625
Battle of Uhud
The muslims were attacked by a Meccan army, and believed themselves to be victorious. However, a group of archers disobeyed the prophet's orders out of greed and pride and left their posts, allowing the Meccans to ambush them. The muslims were defeated. -
Nov 18, 625
Exile of the Jewish
The muslim siege of the Nadir tribe lasted for 2 weeks, after which they surrendered. Prophet Mohammed exiled them from Medina. The Nadir tribe is known for betraying the muslims and causing trouble. -
Nov 18, 626
Battle of the Trench
The muslims won the battle of the Khandaq by building a trench around Medina. It was a great new strategy suggested by Salman Al-Farisi. -
Nov 18, 630
Makkah Conquered
The muslims take over Makkah, the Kaabah is cleansed of the idols stored inside it and the tribes of Arabia vow allegiance to Prophet Mohammed. -
Treaty of Hudaybiyah
A truce between the muslims and the tribe Quraysh gave permission for muslims to visit the Kaabah - Islam's holiest site. The treaty was to end all hostilities for 10 years.