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Enhancing Eduaction In Elementary Schools
Meaningful ConnectionsUsing Technology in Primary Classrooms
In this journal the author talks about how the advances in technology have aided in education, and how these technological advances have a positive influence in early development of elementary school children. The Journal describes the technology integration in science, word processing, presentations, research, art, lessons, concept mapping and storytelling. The journal goes on to conclude on the responsibilities of the teachers. -
Implementing Technology in Elementary Schools
This article explains the biggest challenges of teaching technology in elementary classrooms. It also explains the limitations of technology education based on knowledge and training. It explains the impacts on students, and provides positive experiences. -
Assessing Elementary School Students’ Conceptions of Engineering and Technology
This article is based on a study about what technology means to elementary school students, and which are the concepts and misconceptions about technology. -
Today's students need educators to re-envision the role of technology in the classroom
The article describes the need for teachers and administrators to re-envision the role of technology in the classroom. Additionally, the article mentions the need to adjust student performance to approximate student potential. Students need access to technological tools and activities that demand problem solving, decision-making, teamwork, and innovation. Also, talks about the objectioves standards from The International Society for Technology in Education’s National Educational Technology Sta -
Elementary students learn keyboard typing ahead of new Common Core tests
The article talks about how Glen Rock Public Schools elementary school children are familiar with Smartphone and tablets, and the importance of learning to use a keyboard. The article goes on to describe how the different school grades will use software to gain experience in keyboarding, and how they would match to Common Core Standards. The article ends with the idea that new technology, such as voice recognition, would make keyboarding a thing of the past. -
How the Use of Technology Enhances Children's Development
The article talks how technology enhances elementary school children Technology Skills, Social Skills, and Cognitive Skills.Each skill set is described in the use of each technological component. How children demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors, develop research skills, social interactions, and decision-making skills.