Makers Space
I will share the idea of Makerspace with my staff
We will be getting a new Library with an area for a Makerspacein the design -
Immerse myself in Maker Education
investigate virtual Camp Google
http://makercamp.com/projects/makey-makey-makey-operation -
Get Others Involved
Start a steering committee involving teacherss and students.
Start goal setting and formulate a budget
Reach out with Skype or Google Hangouts( https://hangouts.google.com/ -
Purchasing Makerspace Resources
Make decisions on what to purchase
Look into Grants
Ask for old supplies from parents such as electronic, Legos, etc -
Buid a Community of Makers
Immerse students in maker supplies
Surrounding them with tinkering toys motivates them to create -
Hosting Workshops and/or Design Challenges
Ask students to recommend design challenges
Have students participate in the challenges
"Design challenges are so important...it introduces time limits, a focused theme, and ends with a show and tell." Jay Silver
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laULiq1kRUw -
Integrating Maker Education Into the Curriculumn
Remember that makerspace programing can support classroom curriculumn
Makey Makey (https://colleengraves.org/maker-ed-lessons-by-resource)
Sphero (http://www.sphero.com/education
littleBits (http://littlebits.cc/)