Zen circle

Progress Portfolio Timeline

By kricha4
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    Progress Portfolio Learning Trajectory

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    Research Project: Digital Youth Network

    Began work as research assistant, ethnographer, author, and editor for book project.
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    Study: Affordances of a scaffolded-social learning network (Zywica, Richards and Gomez)

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    LS 512: Designing Learning Environments

    This course introduced frameworks and concepts related to the design of learning environments. The artifact created from this course is a design spec paper that explores the concept and meaning of a learning environment and understanding the role of social media in supporting learning within an existing community of practice.
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    Paper: Toward an Understanding of Affordance Networks (CI 589: Technology and Literacy)

    This course introduced various issues, concepts and constructs related to technology and literacy development. The artifact created out of this coure is a small research study that examined emergent literacy practices within a novel, online environment. Literacy practices within the space are conceptualized through an analysis of three distinct interaction types and the convergence of these interactions.
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    Study: Participant Understandings of Affordances Study (Richards and Gomez)

    Kiim Gomez and I explore literacy practices within a curricularly integrated online social media site.
  • Accepted into Learning Sciences Program at UIC

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    Research Project: Digital Literacy Assessment Project/ Multiple Source Comprehension

    I began work as a research assistant on the Digital Literacy Assessment Multiple Sources synthesis task. I began work qualitatively coding student essays, managing the data base, constructing texts, and finally compiling and presenting findings realted to the history synthesis task.
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    Paper: Analyzing "Mash House" a Curriculum-based Social Networking Site (LS 500: Introduction to the Learning Sciences)

    This course introduces frameworks, theories and concepts that are essential to the learning sciences. The How People Learn framework is introduced as well as theories and research that empirically supports this framework. The artifact created in this course examines a social media site using the HPL framework.
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    Paper: Dialogic Inquiry within Literature and Online Learning Environments (LS 503: Foundations of Scientific Knowledge)

    This course examines the nature, role and construction of knowledge within socio-cultural contexts. The disciplines of mathematics and science are emphasized. The concept of dialogism and the development of dialogic inquiry within online classroom spaces is applied within the discpline of literature.
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    Paper: Design experiments reflection paper (LSRC 501- Research Methods in the Learning Sciences)

    This is a survey course designed to introduce various research methods. The focus of the course is to understanding that research questions determine what methodological approaches are most appropriate to take. This course also explores the use of mixed methods as a way to understand phenemonon. The artifact created from this course is a reflection paper on the issues of reliability and validity when conducting design based research experiments.
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    Research Project: YouMedia

    Working as a research assistant in partnership with the Chicago Public Library, University of California-Irvine, and DePaul University, I documented youth interacting in an afterschool digital media space within a library setting.