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Process for EBD Identification

  • IDEA

    In an effort to prevent the exclusion of students with disabilities based on unaddressed behaviors, IDEA requires the IEP team to consider the use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for any student whose behavior impedes his or her learning or the learning of others. It also requires a functional behavior assessment to be completed and behavior intervention plan is developed for a student who does not have one, when he/she is removed for more than 10 days due to behavior.
  • Period: to

    Primary Level (Prevention)

    Teach all students rules and routines, and use physical arrangements that will prevent the initial behavior the team is targeting to change. The rules should be simply and positively stated.
  • Schoolwide Behavior Incidences Tracked

    Data is collected and behaviors tracked to determine incidence of behaviors of most concern. This will help guide the SWPBIS program developed.
  • Label Appropriate Behavior in Actions

    School team builds a matrix of behavioral expectations and gives 2-3 examples of what each behavioral expecatation looks like.
  • Teaching Appropriate Behavioral Actions

    The team would decide how the appropriate behaviors are going to be taught. Non-examples can be shown first and then adults should model the appropriate behaviors and have students emulate them.
  • Observing and Praise Appropriate Behavioral Actions

    Team will design and utilitze a specific program to reinforce appropriate behaviors by recognizing and rewarding students "caught" exhibiting them.
  • Period: to

    Secondary Level (Intervention and Prevention)

    Intervention that occurs with a targeted group or individual student to reduce current cases of problem behavior
  • Targeted Group Interventions

    Small groups of students may need further positive support and interventions to be able to follow or generalize taught rules and expections. This cccurs through small group targeted instruction and may include programs such as a "social skills club" or another similar group. These groups also help identify students as risk for more intense behavioral difficulties and in need of more individualized support.
  • Individualized Interventions

    Some students may need more individualized positive supports if they are having trouble following or generalizing taught rules and expectations. This can include making adaptations such as physical arrangements, routines or rewards given for reinforcement of exhibiting positive behaviors.
  • Period: to

    Tertiary Level

  • Functional Behavior Analysis

    With parental permission to complete an assessment, a team of professionals will work together to determine the function of student's continued inappropriate behaviors.
  • Behavior Intervention Plan

    After completing an FBA, the team (which includes the parents and possibly the student) develops a behavior intervention plan to provided individualized positive support to reduce inapporpriate behavior and help a student understand, take responsibility for, and manage their behavior.
  • Intervention Team

    An intervention team, often called a SAT team, is created for the school to examine interventions made prior to referral for EBD. This team often also is responsible for school-wide behavioral supports as well.
  • Referral Made

    LEA receives or initiates a referral or reevaluation for identification of a student who is repeatedly exhibiting inapporpriate and disruptive behavior despite SWPBIS and targeted group and individualized PBIS.
  • Evaluation Process Begins

    After staff and parents agree that evaluation for EBD is needed, the process begins.
  • Evaluation Process Continues

    Existing data is collected and includes information such as classroom performance, results of previous behavioral interventions, teacher reports, standardized tests, assessments, behavior rating scales, medical evaluations ,etc.
  • Determination

    After all evidence is gathered and interpreted, the team makes their determination.
  • IEP and Placement Options

    An IEP is created that includes academic and behavior goals as needed. Placement options are also discussed at this time as they are directly related to the goals and needs as determined in the IEP.