Populatuon and Settlement

  • 1500

    Land Bridge

    Land Bridge
    The Bering Strait or Land Bridge was used my migrants to cross from Asia (Russia) into North America.
  • Period: 1500 to


  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier voyages

    Jacques Cartier voyages
    -The King of France sends Jacques Cartier on a voyage to find gold, a route to Asia and to claim land.
    -His first voyage is in 1534, he explores the St-Lawrence river and maps it. He reported gold but only found fish, timber and furs.
    -His second voyage was in 1535, he sailed down the St-Lawrence river to Stadacona (Quebec). Europeans learn how to survive the winter. They return to Europe with some of the natives.
    -His third voyage was in 1541. He attempts to set up a colony but it fails.
  • Port Royal

    Port Royal
    The King of France sends a voyage to Nova Scotia to set up a colony called Port Royal. All the other superpowers of the world were racing to dominate the world, so the King wants to colonize the New World. In the end the colony of Port Royal failed because of its position as it was not close enough to the Natives.
  • Samuel de Champlain (Founding of Quebec)

    Samuel de Champlain (Founding of Quebec)
    Champlain returns to Stadacona (Quebec) to set up a trading post. This area would soon be called New-France. Because of the trading post and fur New-France grew quickly. They needed to cultivate the area so they created a land division system, called the seigneurial system. The king would give pieces of land to the rich people of France. The whole point of this system was to make people come to New-France and populate it. Villages and towns were created. Quebec, Trois-Rivieres and then Montreal.
  • Company of One Hundred Associates

    Company of One Hundred Associates
    The company was assigned to colonized an area by the King of France. Between 1600 and 1607 the Company of One Hundred Associates and another company tried to establish a colony.
  • Seigneurial system

    Seigneurial system
    The creation fo the Company of One Hundred Associates introduced the seigneurial system to New France. The seigneurial system is simple a bunch of long rectangles that are build along a large body or stream of water. The King of France gave pieces of land to rich french merchants to go and move there. They would have to cut up their own land. Eventually they would have peasants or other people come and live in the area of the seigneur. They would have to pay rent and give some of their crops.
  • Founding of Trois-Rivières

    Founding of Trois-Rivières
    Champlain told Sieur de Laviolette to establish a second settlement near the St. Maurice and St. Lawrence rivers. The site of Trois-Rivières allows the fur traders to communicate with each other. This is the creation of Trois-Rivières.
  • Founding of Ville-Marie (Montreal)

    Founding of Ville-Marie (Montreal)
    Paul Chomedey or Sieur de Maisonneuve founded Ville-Marie (Montreal). It was founded near the Iroquois village of Hochelaga along with people like Jeanne Mance a nurse. Even though they wanted to convert the natives it eventually turned into a trading post.
  • Filles du Roy

    Filles du Roy
    Jean Talon was sent to New-France to increase the population. Jean Talon attracted people to come. They came in 3 separate groups: the servants, the soldiers and the Filles du Roy. The servants stayed in New-France for 3 years where they did work like being a carpenter, blacksmith, etc. The soldiers were sent to New-France to protect the valley and insure peace. Finally, the Filles du Roy were girls brought to New-France to balance out the men and women. They then married men in New-France.
  • Arrival of the Carignan-Salières regiment

    Arrival of the Carignan-Salières regiment
    This was the second wave of immigrants to New France. They were a bunch of soldiers who had fought for France so they were sent to New France to live a nice and peaceful life.
  • Great Peace of Montreal

    Great Peace of Montreal
    The French had signed treaty's with 5 Iroquois nations. Due to the signing of this treaty there was a war between the French and other Iroquois nations who were enemies of some of the Iroquois nations. The war lasted around a century and was ended in 1701 with signing of the Great Peace of Montreal.
  • Deportation of Acadians

    Deportation of Acadians
    The Acadians were deported to the Thirteen colonies. It was very violent, there houses were burned and the Acadians were forced out of their houses. If they didn't leave they would die in their burning house.
  • British Immigration and the Treaty of Paris

    British Immigration and the Treaty of Paris
    After the War of the Conquest (1754-1760) the British won the war. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris the French gave New France to the British. The British then renamed New France the "Province of Quebec". Quebec was 99% French and 1% English so they started populating Quebec by sending thousands of British immigrants who were mostly soldiers and merchants.
  • Slavery

    Slavery in Canada was very rare however it still existed. A census done in 1767 showed that there 104 slaves in Nova Scotia. Slavery existed through all the treaty's and was never banned until 1834 when the British Parliament' Slavery Abolition Act was put into place and ended slavery.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Allowed French civil laws and British criminal laws. The King expanded the territory and changed some laws that way the french population was still loyal too him.
  • Immigration of Loyalists

    Immigration of Loyalists
    This is like a second wave of immigration. The loyalists move to New France near the Great Lakes region because they were fleeing the American Revolution.
  • Constitutional act

    Constitutional act
    The presence of the Loyalists brings big changes to Quebec, because part of the population was now British therefore causing Quebec to split into Upper Canada and Lower Canada. British people were told to settle in the townships instead of staying with the French and there seigneurial system. Protestant churches and schools were also built.
  • Immigration of the Irish

    Immigration of the Irish
    Many irish people moved to Canada due to a potato famine affecting them. Many people got sick and died because potatoes were their main source of food. They immigrated to Canada but many died on the boat to Canada due to horrible boat conditions,
  • Cholera epidemics

    Cholera epidemics
    This epidemic was very harmful to the population. Around 3000 people died from the disease. People who had the epidemic were put on Grosse-Ile and had to wait there until they were better.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    There were rebels called Patriotes who wanted the democracy to be better and they wanted to be represented more. This Act also united Lower Canada and Upper Canada,
  • British North American Act (BNAA)

    British North American Act (BNAA)
    This act implemented taxes and the government turned into a democracy.
  • Immigration to the US and Western Canada

    Immigration to the US and Western Canada
    British and Irish immigration started to take a big fall. Thousands of French Canadiens left Quebec to either go to the US, Ontario or Western Canada. Industrialization was a big reason of people leaving. Industrialization led to the increase of urbanization. People left because they had better job opportunities in the cities.
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    The federal government created this as a goal to assimilate Aboriginal people. In the 20th century the last few Aboriginal people gave up their nomadic way of life and they now live in poverty. In the 170s and 1980s living conditions improved and the communities grew.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    This Act made it so Canada favoured immigrants from certain immigrants like the British, French and American citizens. It's a system which makes it so there's favourites. For example Asian people could come to Canada however homosexuals or mentally disabled people can't come.
  • Oka crisis

    Mohawk warriors set up road blocks because a person tried to expand 9 holes for the golf course, but it would be on their land. The military got involved and it lasted a solid 78 days. It was ended however the issue still remains.