Population and Settlement

By Jake A.
  • Period: Aug 29, 1500 to

    Population and Settlement

  • Sep 4, 1500

    Iroquois and Algonquins

    Iroquois and Algonquins
    Iroquois: farmers, great fighters, live in the south, long houses, semi-sedentary Algonquins: Canadian Shield & Appalachian Mountains (north), nomadic, tipis, hunters & gatherers
    • No sense of private land ownership *
  • Aug 29, 1534

    Jacques Cartier's 1st Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's 1st Voyage
    Explored & mapped Gulf of Saint-Lawrence.
    Reported what he thought was gold, but was fish, timber & furs.
  • Aug 29, 1535

    Jacques Cartier's 2nd Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's 2nd Voyage
    Sailed up St-Lawrence, reached Stadacona (Quebec).
    Some natives showed Europeans how to survive winter & scurvy.
    They return w/ native captives (incl. Chief Donacona).
  • Aug 29, 1541

    Jacques Cartier's 3rd Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's 3rd Voyage
    Attempted to set up colony (didn't work).
    Missionaries attempted to convert natives.
    France lost interest for 60 yrs.
  • Port Royal

    Port Royal
    The king sent a voyage to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia.
    Samuel de Champlain was a part of it.
    It failed: position.
  • Establishment of New France

    Establishment of New France
    Champlain returned (1608-09) to establish a trading post near Stadacona (Quebec), which was then named New France.
  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • 1st Confrontation

    1st Confrontation
    Iroquois are defeated by the French
  • The Company of One Hundred Associates

    The Company of One Hundred Associates
    King of France mandated the Company of One Hundred Associates to populate the colony.
  • Trois-Rivieres

    Champlain put Sieur de Laviolette in charge of finding 2nd settlement at the confluence of St. Maurice & St. Lawrence rivers.
  • Ville-Marie

    Paul Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve, founded Ville-Marie close to Hochelaga (Iroquois village). Purpose: evangelize the Amerindians. It soon became a major trading post.
  • The First Intendant

    The First Intendant
    The First Intendant was Jean Talon. His job was to populate New France.
    Immigrants (3 main groups): engages, soldiers and the Filles du Roy.
    He also implemented a policy to increase the birth rate (ex: fathers were fined if they had single 16 yr old daughters & single 21 yr old sons [or older]).
  • Census of the population (New France)

    Census of the population (New France)
    King of France mandated Jean Talon to take a census of the population to determine how many men could be recruited for the military.
  • The Great Peace of Montreal

    The Great Peace of Montreal
    The war between the French and the Iroquois' Five Nations ended with the signing of it.
  • Treaty (gave away territories)

    Treaty (gave away territories)
    France gave away the territories inhabited by the Maliseets & the Mi'kmaqs without mentioning their presence in the region.
  • Period: to

    British Regime

  • Period: to

    British Merchants Immigration

    Arrival of british merchants in cities (not enough to change the composition of the population).
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    France gave New France to the British, who then changed its name to Provine of Quebec.
  • Period: to

    Immigration of Loyalists & Americans

    Their arrival impacted on the formation of the population & the settlement of the territory.
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    The start of Irish immigration due to the Irish Potato Famine.
    Scottish & English also, but mostly in cities.
    Conditions during the passage were bad & disease spread.
    Cholera epidemic.
  • Abolishment of Slavery

    Abolishment of Slavery
    Slavery is abolished in Canada
  • Province of Canada

    Province of Canada
    Following the rebellion of the Patriotes in 1837 & 1838, the government united Lower Canada & Upper Canada into one, the Province of Canada. French Canadians = minority
  • Arrival to Grosse-Ile

    Arrival to Grosse-Ile
    Approximately 90 000, mostly Irish, landed on Grosse-Ile escaping the Potato Famine.
  • BNA Act

    BNA Act
    British North American Act. Sharing federal-provincial powers with regard to immigration matters under the BNA act.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • National Policy

    National Policy
    Immigrant recruitment to populate the Canadian & land grants & handing over of land to rail companies to settle the west.