Population and Settlement

  • Aug 29, 1500


    Less warrioirs, focus more on hunting
    Live in the north
    Live in teepees
  • Aug 29, 1500


    Live in long houses
    Every 10 years or so they move to a different territory because the ground isn't fertile anymore
    Live in the south
  • Aug 29, 1534

    Cartier's first voyage

    Cartier's first voyage
    Jacques Cartier explored the Gulf of St-Lawrence.
    Cartier found timber, fish and furs.
  • Aug 29, 1535

    Cartier's second voyage

    Cartier's second voyage
    Cartier sailed up the St-Lawrence and reached Stadacona
  • Aug 29, 1541

    Cartier's third voyage

    Cartier's third voyage
    Cartier tried to set up a colonie which was unsuccessful
    Missionaries tried to convert natives
  • Voyage to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia

    Voyage to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia
    -The king sent a voyage to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia which was called Port Royal.
    -Samuel de Champlain was a part of Port Royal.
    -Port Royal failed
  • Period: to

    Champlain established a trading post near Stadaconda

    Champlain established a trading post near Stadaconda called New France
  • Period: to

    French Regime

    Organization and settlement of the territory
    Jacques Cartier came to America to find:
    A route to Asia
    Bring gold and other riches
    To claim land for the king of France
  • Seigneurial Regime

    Seigneurial Regime
    Seigneurial Regime was a method of land division
    The king would grant pieces of land to rich French men
    The purpose of this new system was to entice new settlers to come to New France and keep them organized
  • Period: to

    British Regime

    Policies to promote immigration
    When the British take control only the very wealthy French would leave New France. The population was 99% French and 1% English, but hey are all now British Subjects.
    British immigration begins and the first to come will be wealthy business men looking to take over
    Laws discouraging American immigration in Upper Canada.
    Colonial Land and Emigration Commission and permanent immigration office in London.
    Propaganda to encourage immigration.
  • The king wanted to encourage settlement

    The king wanted to encourage settlement
    The king put Jean Talon in charge
    Soldiers were offered free land if they agreed to stay in New France after their service was done
    Minor criminals trying to escape going to prison in France came
    Files du roi came
    Payments were given to couples who married young,
    Fathers of unmarried girls paid fines.
  • Territorial concessions with the Proclamation of 1763

    Territorial concessions with the Proclamation of 1763
    Continuation of business alliances for the fur trade.
    Designation of land reserved for indigenous people.
  • Period: to

    Immigration of Loyalists and Americans

    The impact of the arrival of Loyalists and Americans on the formation of the population and the settlement of the territory.
  • The Imperial Act

    The Imperial Act
    The Act assured immigrants that their slaves would remain their property.
    Loyalist slaves were held in small numbers and were imploded as domestic servants, farm hands, and skilled artisans
  • Slavery limited

    Slavery limited
    The other provinces of British North America limited slavery through court decisions requiring the strictest proof of ownership.
  • Slavery abolition

    Slavery abolition
    The British Parliament's Slavery Abolition Act finally abolished slavery all together
  • Period: to

    Contemporary period

    Different Policies to promote immigration
    Increase of the urban population
    Colonization of new regions
    Emigration to the United States and the west
    Relations with the Native population
  • National policy

    National policy
    Immigrant recruitment to populate the Canadian and land grants and handing over of land to rail companies to settle the west.
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    Mohawk warriors establishes road blocks in the boarders to their reserves in Oka because a golf course wanted to expand its 9 holes onto native land
    Native military organized themselves and the Canadian army were called in to handle the situation
    Lasted 78 days