Population and Settlement

  • Aug 29, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    Two main groups of first occupants known to the European are the Iroquois and the Algonquins.
    -Iroquois are semi-sedentary, farmers, live in the South, hence the farming.
    -Algonquins are nomatic, they hunt, live in tents or tippys, live in the North, hence the reason for hunting.
  • Period: Aug 29, 1500 to

    Population and Settlement

  • Sep 16, 1534

    Jacques Cartier's First Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's First Voyage
    Leaves France to go find 3 main things:
    -A route to Asia.
    -To find precious metals and gold.
    -To get new land for France. -Explores and maps out the Gulf of St-Lawrence, reported what he thought was gold but lots of fish, timber, and furs.
  • Sep 16, 1535

    Jacques Cartier's Second Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's Second Voyage
    Sailed up the St-Lawrence, reached stadacona (Quebec).
  • Sep 16, 1541

    Jacques Cartier's Third Voyage

    Jacques Cartier's Third Voyage
    Attempts to set up a colony, but isnt successful.
  • Sep 16, 1541

    Converting The Natives

    Converting The Natives
    The missionairies make an attempt to convert the natives to Christianity.
  • Samuel de Champlain's First Voyage (Port Royal)

    Samuel de Champlain's First Voyage (Port Royal)
    The king sent Samuel de Champlain on a voyage in 1605, in order to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia called the Port Royal.
    The Port Royal fails because of it's location (Nova Scotia).
  • French Regime

    French Regime
    The regime starts in 1608 and ends in 1760.
    The seigneurial system is put in place as a factor in the settlement and occupation of the territory.
  • Samuel de Champlain Second Voyage

    Samuel de Champlain Second Voyage
    Champlain returned for a year to establish a trading post near Stadacona (Quebec).
    The trading post is where the river narrows, which would be called New France.
  • The King of France Mandates To Populate The Colony

    The King of France Mandates To Populate The Colony
    In 1627, the Kind of France mandated the Company of One Hundred Associates to populate the colony.
    The company attracted several hundred colonists.
  • Samuel de Champlain Third Voyage

    Samuel de Champlain Third Voyage
    Champlain put Sieur de Laviolette in charge of finding a second settlement.
    Trois-Rivières allowed furriers to communicate with each others.
    Trois-Rivières= trade(rivers)
  • Founding of Ville-Marie

    Founding of Ville-Marie
    Paul Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve, founded Ville-Marie in 1642.
    Ville-Marie now known as Montreal.
  • Filles du Roi

    Filles du Roi
    Jean-Talon brings in protestant orphan girls off the street of France, in order to finally have a decent amount of women in the colony.
    They were quickly married after their arrival, so that reproduction can happen to increase the population of New France.
    Not only did the Filles du roi arrive, but so did soldiers and indentured servants.
  • Signing Of The Great Peace Of Montreal

    Signing Of The Great Peace Of Montreal
    The war between the French and the Iroquois ends in 1701 with the signing of the Great Peace of Montreal.
  • Fertility Rate Increase

    Fertility Rate Increase
    Since the arrival of the Filles du roi the fertility rate in New France increased, which means population increase which was the initial goal.
  • British Regime

    British Regime
    The British Regime starts in 1760-1867.
    Increase of British immigrants, the British then settle in the Province of Quebec.
  • British Immigration

    British Immigration
    British immigration starts in 1763 and ends in 1783.
    It begins with the arrival of British merchants in cities.
  • The Royal Proclamation of 1763

    The Royal Proclamation of 1763
    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 is signed after the end of the Seven Year War.
    The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire.
    Also to stabilize relations with Natives through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases.
  • The Loyalists

    The Loyalists
    During the American Revolution, many of thousands of Loyalists left the United States, to settle in a British territory.
    Two thousand Loyalists settle in Quebec.
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    Waves of Irish immigration occur due to the Irish Potato Famine.
  • Emigration To The United States And To The West

    Emigration To The United States And To The West
    The population went to the city, because all the factories were in the city and factories mean more job opportunities.
    Since the working conditions were awful and it was disgusting, dirty and overpopulated.