personal timelines

  • where it all began...

    My mom and dad are getting married after more than 1 year dating
  • i said hello to the world

    I was born at 2 in the morning in Nha Trang, Vietname. I was the first baby in the family both of my mom and dad's side
  • What is school?

    i start pre-school. Let the journey of life begin!
  • First Christmas in my mind

    First Christmas, I was 5 and this is the first Christmas that I remember. I was thinking I was the happies kid, my parents took my brother and I to places.
  • what? 12 years of school?

    i started 1st grade.... 1 of 12 years.... oh boy, i wish i was back in pre-school, we actually do work now instead of playing.
  • Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year in Vietnam or in most of the Asia countries is the time of fammily gathering, children from places come back home to their parents to spend time and celebrate the new Lunar year. We are buddhism so as the tradition. my parents take my brother and I to one or two temple in town to ask for health and wealthy.
  • The End of The World

    People actually think ( some beleive) 2000 which is the 21st century, is the end of the world, If it's not the end, there will be a hug change in global economy, My family sat on the beach of the year 1999 along with thousands of people to watch firework waiting for the 1st of January 2000.
  • Ride a bicycle to school is exercising, too

    6th grade, I start to ride a bicycle to school, my mom said it is a good exercise; it wasn't so bad because it's only 2 miles distance.
  • America, Land of opportunity!

    i moved to America when i was fifteen, wow so different from vietnam, i like it! will somebody help me practice my english, i don't want to sound funny....
  • Wow, Thats a big house!

    i moved in with my aunt, uncle and cousins.... they have a big house with a large yard in the back. Wow houses in America are so close together, and not made of brick!
  • School continues in America

    my first class since coming over from vietnam, wow school is actually free from k-12 here, thats awesome! It's so much easier here too.
  • nails .... and more nails!

    my parents take over the nail salon from my aunt, change ownership. i learn to do nails, and become a nail technician as a part time job.
  • high school grad

    high school graduation, my parents are so proud of me, and now the journey of life begins!
  • wow i did it!

    i made it to college! first in the family to go to college, now going to school at schoolcraft, what should i study to become?
  • Nursing major

    i decide to change from radiology to study as a nurse
  • first time!

    girlfriend's birthday, went to the club for the first time! it was a blast!
  • EMU

    im accepted into EMU and this is a beginning of the first step of my life, that is going to a nursing school
  • arguing

    I argued with my dad today, we both are not really soul mate. We dont have lots of things in common, we like each other interest. I found communication bettween my dad and I is always difficult.
  • the first bill

    I'm 21 and it's time. Soon or later I will have to stand on my own feet without the help from my mom and dad. I offer my mom to pay my own phone bill from now on.
  • Hiring

    im acceoted to a restaurant as a waitress possition, my first job in a restaurant, it's very excited, they agree to train me for 2 weeks then i can become a official worker. This is my second job, beside being a nail tech.
  • the first concert

    I go to Rihanah concert, and this is the first concert I've been to.
  • move out

    I finally moved out, feel nervous but excited to move out. I'm very busy during this time, expecially also have to keep track on my school work
  • home bill

    The first time paying my bill, and finally know how hard to go to school and work to pay the bills
  • my first motocycle

    even thouth it's a used one, and that's all I can offort, I love my motocycle, and I think May is the perfect month for me and my boyfriend to start to learn how to ride a motocycle.
  • nursing school

    apply to EMU nursing program, and to other nursing school, Finger cross and wish myself a luck to be accepted.
  • EMU graduating

    Graduating from EMU is a step closer my career,
  • Nursing interview

    I received a letter from EMU that I am choosen to have an interview before I can be accepted to it's nursing program. Im very excited but also nervous at the same time.
  • Accepted

    I received phone call that I am accepted to EMU nursing program. Im so happy and believe in myself that I can do this. My long journey.
  • move in with my boyfriend

    I move in with my boyfriend that we've been dating since 2009, to his appartment
  • disagree

    My boyfriend just finished his nursing program, and now he's going back to school for physician assistant, im still a second year in nursing program, and it's even harder for us both when our relationship's going down hill. We both starting to have our disagrements, we both are young and stubborn.
  • breaking up

    This is a stage that no one wants to spen through, it's a worst stage, he was my first crust, that makes it even harder. We've been dating for 6 years and this is a point that soon or later we will have to walk through.
  • finished nursing program

    im excited to walk on the EMU stage and to be announced a graduated nursing student. Nursing wasn't my first career choice but it is my final pick, I knew I could do it,
  • Career

    at this time I am an officially nurse from U of M hospital and having the best time of my life.
  • Dating

    it's been a long since I been on a date. He is a real gendelman
  • A relationship

    he asked me to be his girlfriend after 4 months going out.
  • He asks the question

    We go on trip to New York, He took me to a walk on the stress after our dinner, and he asked me "will you marry me"
  • Marry

    I'm 31. We're getting marry, i finally know what is marriage about.
  • Pregnancy

    We both found out I am 3 months pregnant, we both are so happy
  • the first baby

    It's a warm summer, and our first baby girl, we name her Britany
  • Welcome home, Britany

    welcome home, Britany. First time she sees her room, she's so cute
  • hard time

    First day watching my baby without my husband is hard, but luckyly, my mom has been a great supporter, she helps me a lot.
  • Britany's first word

    Her first word,
  • Second child

    Our second child is a boy, we name him Mason
  • Britany's first school day

    Britany's going to pre-school. She's so nervous but so excited, first time she sees so much friends like this. Today is her first day, she's still not ready to be away from me.
  • Going back to school

    I'm 38, and it's almost half of my lifetime, I feel like the position that i'm working as a nurse doesn't fit me any more, I'm going back to school for a higher nursing degree
  • 1st grade

    Britany's 1st grade, also Mason's first day to pre-school
  • Family issue

    Taking care of 2 children, going back to school, and keeping track of my job at the same time isn't easy for me, I hardly have time with my husband. Our relationship isn't great as 8 years ago.
  • Arguing

    We argued again, we always look for the solution in each argument
  • New job status

    Finished the master in nursing, i'm heading to my new postion as a nurse, I'm really excited about the new position, but the best part is i'm getting higher income.
  • lay off

    My husband is getting lay off. This even makes a harder chalenge for my family.
  • new job

    My husband going out and looking for job every where, every companies that he's possibly gets hired.
  • Breaking down

    Because of lost his job, and he feels like depending on me a lot, he comes to the point of depression.
  • Interview

    My husband received a phone call to an interview, we all so excited for him.
  • He got the job

    He got the job, this is a big release, we all are so happy for him.
  • Paris, France

    My husband and I decided to take the kids to Europe, we're going to Paris. Since I have family over there and offer us to stay for a week, we're going to have a great time.
  • Brit. graduating

    Britany is graduating from high school, i'm so happy to see her become a responsible, a care giver, and the most important, she's strong person. She's going away for college.
  • Another time of our family

    Britany now is 18, and Mason is 16, My husband and I still love each other, we're always share our time to each other, build a strong relationship everyday.
  • Grandkid

    Britany is 23 and, gave birth a beautiful girl. I love my granddaughter, she's so beautful, she looks just like her mom.
  • age of 60

    at the age of 60 and my husband is 65, we have grandchildren, they don't live with us, but they come to visit us most day of the week. At this point, our relationship is stronger than ever, because we have more time to spend with each other, we can enjoy the thing that we're interested.
  • My husband's retired

    My husband is retired from his job, Now he can focusing more on our grandchildren, and he loves taking care of the garden.
  • Retirement

    My husband is already retired, now It's time for me to retire. Now we both can focus on watching our 2 grandchildren, and may be I will look for a community volunteer to fill up the time that I don't watch my grandkid.
  • Community Volunteer

    I encourage my husband to join the volunteer with me, since he is retired and wants to spend time to do something helpful.
  • Heaven

    I am 80. We all believe we are going to heaven when we died, i do believe so, and that's where I see my husband again.