personal timeline

  • Day of birth

  • Period: to


  • Skyscraper with my siblings

    Skyscraper with my siblings
    Every year before school we would go get a skyscraper
  • Girls on the run

    Girls on the run
    Doing girls on the run in 4th and 5th grade made me so happy and boosted my confidence I loved it and it led me into doing running later on
  • Meeting new friend group

    Meeting new friend group
    Met a new group of friends my 7th grade year and they became so important to me
  • XC

    Joined the xc team my freshman year and introduced me to so many new people and taught me so many good things.
  • Go to college

  • Graduate college

  • Travel and move somewhere new

  • Get married

  • Have kids

  • Questions

    1- I don't know exactly what I want to do but I have a steady plan I could fall back on
    2- Depends on the thing I change some could make a big impact and some I would barely notice
    3- Pretty flexible there is nothing too specific in there