Battleship attack pearl harbor japanese hawaii december 7 1941

Timeline/definitions of Unit 1 and Unit 2 review

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    Executive order 9066

    Executive order 9066
    2/19/42; Japanese Americans were put into concentration camps due to fear by Americans of these Japanese Americans sabotaging them to help Japan in the war so they put them in these camps. This was important because this led to may Japans lose their houses, jobs, and money overall which changed their lives.
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    Propaganda was used to help support a certain persons belief or idea to persuade others to join them which was important because this manipulated many people to diskike certain people like jews during the holocaust causing death
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    Civil liberties

    This gave all citizens freedom. This was important because this gave everybody an opportunity and more chance to make money and become rich without racial discrimination. This was created in 1791.
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    Anti semetism

    Anti semitism rose around 1800s-1900s which were when nazis and German did what they can to bring down and discriminate jews which is important because it showed how bad Germany was as a country
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    Winston Churchill

    1874 to 1965; He was a wartime leader to the British and led them in wars by giving them speeches, courage, etc and opposed Hitler which is important because of British plays a part in conquering Germany and defeating Hitler.
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    This was a fear of Americans about nuclear weapons. This was important because this led people to be paranoid and scared about nuclear weapons and every day they had to live with that fear in the 1880s.
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    Adolf Hitler

    (1889-1945) He was a Nazi leader who led the Germans during world war and he eventually killed himself due to Germany's surrender. He was important because like I said led Germany during wars giving Germany what's necessary like more land and the main persuader in the genocides killing jews
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    Charles lindbergh

    In 1927 he was the first man to successfully drive an airplane. This was important because this led to better transportation.
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    American Home Front.

    Certain group's roles changed to help spread war effort. This was important because these actions by these groups helped America win wars. This occurred in many American wars so there's not a date but some dates like WW2 and WW1 there were American Home Fronts.1914 is WW1 and 1942 is the last U.S war.
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    The nazi party

    The party was founded in 1919 and was all for Germany and went against everyone else who disagreed with them. This was important because this helped Germany a lot like gaining more rights and land
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    The red scare

    1919-1920 this was fear of Americans that communists would take over and destroy America through the use of there nuclear weapons. This was important because this led to many Americans feeling paranoid and scared of communists due to the fact that they never knew when these bombs or weapons would drop on them or would be used on them.
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    The red scare

    1919-1920 Americans fear that communists would take over and destroy America through the use of there nuclear weapons. This was important because this led to many Americans feeling paranoid and scared of communists due to the fact that they never knew when these bombs or weapons would drop on them or would be used on them.
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    Betty friedman

    in 1963 wrote The Feminine Mystique who talked about women's gender roles and how they feel working 24/7 in a household providing all necessities needed for there husbands. This was important because this led to women's civil rights/liberties of being free by expressing how women felt trapped and lonely/depressed working 24/7 in the house instead of going outside (rarely).
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    Third reich

    This was established by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s I beleive and was important because it helped Nazi rise in power
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    This was a policy where a country isolated itself from problems like the U.S Isolated themselves from European politics/countries to avoid war. Which is important because it actually worked for a while and was the first shot at peace in a while
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    It's like a place with rules or laws that you HAVE to follow like in the book the giver during the 1930s. This was important because this blinded the people about what's going on in the real world
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    Internment was like prison and interment was like these camps who kiled/tortured people like the Japenes/jewsish internment. This was important because this led to many deaths and created a sense of cruelty to people who were in them like Japenese Americans did not due anything but they were still put in these camps due to fear of Americans.(1942) (1945)
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    Concentration camps

    They were basically prison camps who treated the people in it very badly and changed there lives forever like the Japenese Americans. This is important because as you know what happened to jews and Japenese Americans they were tortured and killed. 1933 was the first use of these camps and 1944 was the last concentration camp.
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    Franklin D Roosevelt

    32nd US President who I believe helped the U.S get out of the Great Depression by creating New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression. Which was important because the U.S was in need of a lot of help and they had no money and were in debt but Roosevelt came in and helped the U.S come out of the depression (1933 to 1945)
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    This was important because this helped Germany gain power and take over but also ruined multiple countries. Appeasement was when a country or person allows another country or person to take control to avoid problems that led to Germany's Aggression which occurred in 1938.
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    This was when citizens accused anybody whom they believed were communist and turned them into authorities which violated the first amendment of freedom of speech and Americans feared of expressing their opinion due to the fact of them possibly being accused of being a communist.
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    The holocaust

    The holocaust was the mass slaughter of Jews by the Nazis/Germans during World War II which was in 1939 to 1945. This was important because the Holocaust killed many jews millions of them called genocide
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    St louis

    I don't know the definition but based on google this was built as a monument during westward expansion and was created in the 1940s and was important because it's a monument that represents America during westward expansion.
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    This was a system that was created in the 1940s which was a social organization based on the holding of all property in common, and ownership was contributed. Which is important because it gave more power to states.
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    This was an economic/political system in which a country's industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. This was important because more profit for owners then the state and people can get the money that they earned in the 1940s.
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    Nuclear warfare

    This was the use of atomic weapons which made people paranoid and scared/ freaked out about the destruction of these weapons but luckily the war did not happen because if it did there would have been severe damage to both soviet union and the U.S in the 1940s.
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    Was an American policy to stop the spread of communism. This was important because it helped many countries not under soviets rule and stopped communism in the 1940s.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    (1941 in December) Was an attack by Japan to the U.S which destroyed many ships and killed many people. This is important because this action played a big role in the U.S joining WW2 to prevent Japan from doing this again instead of being isolated like there plan was before Japan attacked them.
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    The Final solution

    Hitler systematically killed Jewish people and was from 1941 to 1945 and was important because it caused many Jewish people to die
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu v. United States
    1944 this was a Supreme Court that helped relocate or put Japenese Americans in new places. Then in 1988, Congress felt bad for these Japenese Americans so they gave them money.
  • War refugee board

    War refugee board
    This was created by Franklin D Roosevelt and helped jews get out of the holocaust which was a period of time where Jewish people died young or old it does not matter and this is important because it helped many jews out and they could have been dead but got rescued by the War Refugee Board. Date was 1944
  • D-Day

    This occurred at June 6, 1944 - A million of troops who were led by Eisenhower to take back France. This was important because D-Day was the turning point of World War II.
  • Ve day

    Ve day
    Ve day is when Germany surrendered to the U.S and WW2 ended one of the most destructive wars out of all wars. Was in 1945 and is important because this marked Germanys end and Germany finally surrendered marking the end of WW2
  • The Atomic bomb

    The Atomic bomb
    This was a nuclear bomb that land in Japan for they can surrender but killed many Japans and destroyed everything in japan. This was important because this conformed Japans surrender to the U.S. In 1945
  • The United Nations

    The United Nations
    In 1945. When all the nations gathered to promote peace instead of violence. This was important because this worked and promoted peace causing fewer wars between countries.
  • The yalta conference

    The yalta conference
    1945 This was I believe a meeting with US President FDR, British Prime Minister( Winston Churchill, and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan what will happen after the war. This was important because their main goal was to promote peace and to make sure another war like ww2 won't happen again
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    The nuremburg trails

    In 1945 which was trials of Nazi leaders and determined there sentencings to either in prison or the death penalty. This was important because it shows, in my opinion, the cruelty of the justice system.
  • The Truman doctrine

    The Truman doctrine
    1947, which was when President Truman aided any country that opposed or was against communism. This was important because this led to many states to not be under soviets rule and to not become communist.
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    Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

    A doctrine of military strategy which both sides has deadly nuclear weapons that can cause major damage and was important because during the cold war Americans were very scared of nuclear weapons and were paranoid that a nuclear weapon could just drop on them and could die so everyone feared of death from nuclear weapons during the cold war in 1947 through 1991.
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    In 1947, was located in the suburbs which gave many people houses to live in post WW2. This was important because this helped many people who became poor after WW2 due to the destruction.
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    A Jewish founded in 1948 after centuries of the Jewish diaspora. Which was important because since its a Jewish state you already know back then how Germans hated Jews to Israel was most likely treated like garbage and killed most of its citizens
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    The marshall plan

    Economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952). Which was important because this benefitted Europe a lot.
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    Nato was created in 1949 for collective security. This was important because this orgnization provided peace in the cold war.
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    Joseph McCarthy

    In the 1950s, Joseph McCarthy accused and blackmailed multiple people of being a communist famous or not which was important because this brought down multiple celebrities and ruined their careers. Or for the date part you can just use his birth and when he died
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    This was led by Joseph McCarthy and him investigating people who were accused of being a communist in the 1950s which was important because as I said before he accused many innocent people putting them in jail and ruining there lives.
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    The korean war

    1950 through 1953 The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea due to communism and North was all for communists and has a lot of power over the south. This was important because this shows the spread of communism and how easily it can spread.
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    Mass consumerism

    In the 19th century many people in poverty were able to move into the suburbs and be the middle class but this was the era of the creation of television so when television came out many people decided to go buy all the necessities they liked and anything else that they want they bought it like cars, cigarettes, etc. This was important because this benefitted people who were in poverty to bee able to get the necessities they need and also opened up opportunities for them to work.
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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration and played a big role in the competition of America vs soviets during space which increase technological advancements through the 1950s and so on. ( this was created by America in 1958)
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    John F Kennedy

    1961-1963 Who was one of the most beloved presidents of the U.S who promoted peace instead of violence. He was important because in many different situations a war could have broken out but John F Kennedy came in a solved the problem by calming everyone down and promoting peace.
  • The cuban missle crisis

    The cuban missle crisis
    1962 which was when the U.S and the soviets fought over these deadly missiles and eventually John F Kennedy commanded the soviets to not use these missiles and took these weapons away to avoid war which was important because you never know how dealy these missiles could have been and how bad the damage could have been.
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    Civil rights

    1964 gave many people like African Americans more opportunities and rights to make everyone equal and to promote peace. This was important because this led to the banning of racial discrimination and more opportunities for certain groups.