Partition & Pakistan 1940-47

  • The Lahore Resolution of 1940

    Mr Jinnah was in Minto Park and he explained that the Hindus and Muslims have different mindsets and intellectuals, and you cannot yoke two different communities with different minds together because that will destroy the entire state. Many Muslim leaders and people supported the idea of a seperate homeland for Muslims too.
  • Response of Congress to the Lahore Resolution

    Gandhi and the Congress were never in favor of the partition, because it would stop them from ruling the Muslims since they hadn't ever ruled. They always disagreed with the idea of having seperate states. They also didn't work with the British after and during the war.
  • The Cripps Proposals, 1942

    The Cripps Proposals, by Sir Stafford Cripps failed. It wanted co-operation from India for WWII. It was rejected due to multiple reasoning by both Muslim League & Congress.
  • The Quit India Movement of 1942

    The 'Quit India' movement of 1942 was meant to disturb the working of British government but the Congress got a day to protest. The next day they were arrested along with Gandhi. Enough damage had been done to the government property. Mr Jinnah added an extra worf to the Quit India Movement; 'Divide and Quit'.
  • Jinnah-Gandhi Talks, 1944

    When Gandhi was released from jail, a meeting between Jinnah and him was set up. An agreement could only be made if Congress accepted a seperate nation for the Muslims of India. Gandhi agreed to the fact that Muslims should be allowed to run their own affairs but not as a seperate nation, therefore, the talks were unsuccessful.
  • The Elections of 1945-46

    The Elections of 1945-46 results proved momentous as they decided that India be partitioned. Muslim League won the entire Muslim vote and Congress won the entire non-Muslim votes. It proved that Congress represented only Hindus.
  • WWII comes to an end & the failure of the Simla Conference

    WWII ended with Britain facing a severe economic crisis that it could no longer hold on to its colonies. Viceroy Wavell called the Indian parties to Simla for a conference, making an offer to the parties to form a Viceroy's Council which would serve as the government of India. The Simla Conference failed because of a few reasons. Well, Clement Attlee, the Prime Minister of the Labour Party said that India be given independence as quickly as possible.
  • The Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946

    The British government made a last attempt to keep a united India by sending a three member Cabinet Mission, but when no progress was made they introduced their own plan which was accepted by the Muslim League as mainly Muslim provinces were grouped together.
  • Continuation of the Cabinet Mission Plan because it wasn't fitting in one event.

    The next goal was to make the interim government of India. The British promised that even if one party backs out, they won't delay matters but they did anyway because the Congress disagreed. Then the Muslim League disagreed because they felt betrayed by the British for not continuing the matters only later they eventually agreed.
  • Direct Action Day, 1946

    Mr Jinnah and the Muslim League were fed up of the matters delayed and Congress not accepting the idea of Pakistan, therefore they completely rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan. Mr Jinnah announced a Direct Action Day on 16 August 1946 explaining that the Muslim League never got a chance to speak up, they were always forced into positions and today they will say goodbye to that. Due to this, Clement Attlee decided on a definite date for the transfer of power would be June 1948.
  • The Independence Act, 18 July 1947

    The Congress and Muslim League accepted the 3rd June Plan, therefore the British Parliament passed the Independence Act. It marked the end of British Rule in India. Everything had to be equally divided between the two dominions; Pakistan and India. The division was based on the ratio of India:Pakistan or 17:5.
  • Independence for India

    Jawaharlal Nehru addressed that long ago they made a promise and they need to fulfill that promise by dividing India into two seperate states. 14 August is the independence day for Pakistan while 15 August is the independence day for India.
  • The Radcliffe Award

    For division of territory, two Hindu and two Muslim judges were appointed but since the judges could not come to an agreement, Sir Cyril Radcliffe had to take the final decision himself and this came to be known as the Radcliffe Award. Some states joined Pakistan while some joined India. By August 1947, Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh were still undecided. Junagarh was taken over by India and Hyderabad too after Quaid-e-Azam passed away. Kashmir is still undecided.