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Mahatma gandhi qi84 l

Gandhi's Life

  • Gandhi was born

    Gandhi was born
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is born in Porbandar on the northwest coast of India.
  • Gandhi moves to Rajkot, India

    Gandhi moves to Rajkot, India
    Gandi moves with his family to Rajkot, India where he begins primary school.
  • Gandhi enters high school.

    Gandhi enters high school.
    Mohandes Gandhi Enters High School in Rajkot
  • Gandhi gets married.

    Gandhi gets married.
    At the age of 13, Gandhi marries 14 year-old Kasturbai Makhanji. Following the customs of their region, the children are part of an arranged marriage. They will have four children together.
  • Gandhi goes to London to enter law school.

    Gandhi goes to London to enter law school.
    Gandhi begins studies at University College London. He studies Indian law and also joins the Vegetarian Society while there. Gandhi avoids eating meat or drinking alcohol throughout his life.
  • Gandhi returns to India to start his career as a lawyer.

    Gandhi returns to India to start his career as a lawyer.
    Gandhi begins studies at University College London. He studies Indian law and also joins the Vegetarian Society while there. Gandhi also learned that his mother had died while he was in London, his family having kept the news from him.
  • Gandhi goes to South Africa to work for a Muslim Indian law firm.

    Gandhi goes to South Africa to work for a Muslim Indian law firm.
    Gandhi agrees to travel to South Africa to help a Muslim Indian law firm with a lawsuit. He is shocked by the racial discrimination he finds there when he learns he is not allowed to travel in the first class section of the train. The trip becomes a major turning point for him as he devotes his life to the pursuit of equality and justice.
  • Mohandes Gandhi Founds the Natal Indian Congress

    Mohandes Gandhi Founds the Natal Indian Congress
    The day he is due to return to India, Gandhi learns about a bill that would deny Indians the right to vote. With no opposition to it, Gandhi's friends convince him to stay for another month to fight the bill. Gandhi ends up staying in South Africa for 20 years.
  • Gandhi publishes "The Green Pamphlet."

    Gandhi publishes "The Green Pamphlet."
    Gandhi writes a pamphlet about the discrimination Indians face in South Africa. Great Britain, which controls South Africa, believes that "The Green Pamphlet" is an anti-government document and begins to view Gandhi as a troublemaker.
  • Gandhi is refused entry into South Africa.

    Gandhi is refused entry into South Africa.
    Realizing that he is going to be staying in South Africa, Gandhi returns to Bombay to get his wife and children so he can bring them to South Africa. When their ship arrives at Port Natal in South Africa, a mob of angry white men, angry that he is stirring up trouble among the Indians, refuse to let Gandhi's family into the country. A local police superintendent helps Gandhi and his family leave the ship safely and he refuses to press charges on the mob.
  • Gandhi Introduces Non-Violent Protest Philosophy of Satyagraha

    Gandhi Introduces Non-Violent Protest Philosophy of Satyagraha
    Gandhi argued that Indians must support the war effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship, organizing a volunteer ambulance corps of 300 free Indians and 800 indentured labourers called the Indian Ambulance Corps,
  • Gandhi is arrested for the first time.

    Gandhi is arrested for the first time.
    Among the first to see the court magistrate for his refusal to register with the government in South Africa, Gandhi is arrested and spends all of his time in prison reading. When he is arrested later that year, he reads "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau and is even more committed to peaceful resistance.
  • Gandhi Establishes the Tolstoy Farm, which Serves as a Base of Operations for His Activities in South Africa

    Gandhi Establishes the Tolstoy Farm, which Serves as a Base of Operations for His Activities in South Africa
    Since the centre of the campaign was in the Transvaal, the farm had to be close to Johannesburg.
  • Gandhi is given the title Mahatma.

    Gandhi is given the title Mahatma.
    Rabindranath Tagore, and Indian poet and Nobel Laureate, refers to Gandhi for the first time as Mahatma. The title means "Great Soul" and is given by Hindus to only the holiest men. Gandhi is not fond of it because he believes all souls are equal.
  • Gandhi Begins "Great March" to Gain Indian Rights in South Africa

    the "great march", consisting of 2,037 men, 127 women and 57 children from Charlestown; addressed marchers halfway between Charlestown and Volksrust.
  • Gandhi Suspends South African Struggle After Winning Passage of the Indian Relief Act

    June 26, Indian Relief Bill was passed by Union Senate. The passage of the Bill ended a struggle of eight years' duration. The Act was considered as mutually satisfactory and honourable settlement of the problems raised by the passive resistance movement.
  • Gandhi returns to India

    Gandhi returns to India
    Gandhi returns to India to live.
  • Gandhi announces a new satyagraha

    Gandhi announces a new satyagraha
    British plans to intern people suspected of sedition - The Rowlatt Acts
  • Gandhi was a dominant figure in Indian politics.

    Gandhi was a dominant figure in Indian politics.
    He transformed the Indian National Congress, and his programme of peaceful non-cooperations with the british included boycotts of British goods and institutions
  • Gandhi imprisionment

    Gandhi imprisionment
    After a big trial, Gandhi is sentenced to six years in jail
  • Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India.

    Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India.
    Having returned to India as a hero in 1915, Gandhi leads the movement to break away from Great Britain. He publishes the Declaration of Independence of India, representing the Indian National Congress, and makes his case for Indian independence.
  • Gandhi leads the Salt March in India.

    Gandhi leads the Salt March in India.
    Forced to buy salt only from Britain, Gandhi protests the monopoly by leading the Salt March from Sabermanti to the Arabian Sea, 240 miles away. Gandhi led tens of thousands of people by the time they reached the sea, where they defied the law by making their own salt. Protests break out all across India and 60,000 are arrested, including Gandhi.
  • Gandi attendds Round Table Conference in London

    Gandi attendds Round Table Conference in London
    Gandi attendds Round Table Conference in London as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress
  • Gandhi decided to resign from party membership

    Gandhi decided to resign from party membership
    He resigned from the party in protest at its use of non-violence as a political expedient
  • Gandhi launches the All Indian Village Industries Association

    Gandhi launches the All Indian Village Industries Association
    Gandhiji started the 'Quit India Movement' and decided to launch a mass civil disobedience movement 'Do or Die' call to force the British to leave India.
  • Gandhi's wife dies at age seventy-four

    Gandhi's wife dies at age seventy-four
    Stress from the Quit India Movement's arrests and hard life at Sabarmati Ashram caused her to fall ill. Kasturba fell ill with bronchitis which was subsequently complicated by pneumonia.
    After a short while, Kasturba stopped breathing. She died in Gandhi's arms while both were still in prison.
  • Gandhi celebrates India's independence from England.

    Gandhi celebrates India's independence from England.
    Great Britain grants India and Pakistan their independence
  • Gandhi is assassinated in New Delhi.

    Gandhi is assassinated in New Delhi.
    Gandhi is approached by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu nationalist. Gandhi blesses him and the man then shoots and kills him for being too sympathetic to the Muslims. Godse is wrong in his belief that killing Gandhi will lead to war that will eliminate Muslims. Instead, mourning over Gandhi's death leads to peace.