300 BCE
Wrote the first known text in the history of psychology - para psyche -
300 BCE
Proposed our mind was our primary reason for existence and our soul gave us the ability to create -
300 BCE
Believed the mind was blank at birth and life experiences would define the formation of the mind -
300 BCE
Used the word 'Psyche' to describe both the mind and soul to develop human behavior reasoning and impulses -
300 BCE
Proposed that one human psyche was the set of all knowledge and the mind was imprinted with all the knowledge it needed -
300 BCE
Covered work called the republic in which a healthy balanced mind lead to the expression of personality -
Rene Descartes
Wrote 'the world' his first systematic presentation of his natural philosophy -
Rene Descartes
Meditations on first philosophy 'i think therefore i am' -
Rene Descartes
Wrote a latin textbook called principles of philosophy which was brought in to universities -
John Locke
Spoken an essay concerning human understanding which outlined a theory of human knowledge identity and selfhood -
John Locke
Had theories that developed and refined on 'two treatises of government' -
John Locke
Produced his contribution to the philosophy of education 'that all human knowledge derives from the senses and that therefore there can be no knowledge that precedes observation' -
Charles Darwin
Published origin of species 'survival of the fittest' -
Wilhelm Wundt
Wrote lectures on the mind of humans and animals -
Charles Darwin
Studied the expression of the emotions in man and animals -
Wilhelm Wundt
Wrote 'the principles of physiological psychology' -
Wilhelm Wundt
Opened the institute for experimental psychology at the university of Leipzig in Germany -
Sigmund Freud
Published 'the psychopathology of everyday life' -
Sigmund Freud
Traveled to America to give lectures on psychoanalysis -
John B Watson
Became a professor of psychology at John Hopkins university -
Sigmund Freud
Researches into soldiers traumatized by the war followed by publishing 'civilization and its discontents' in 1930 -
John B Watson
Became vice president for J Walker Thompson agency and written books about the control over human emotions -
John B Watson
Published the psychological care of infant and child -
Carl Rogers
Became director of the child study department for RSPCC (Rochester Society for the prevention of cruelty to children) -
Carl Rogers
Became professor of clinical psychology at Ohio state university -
Abraham Maslaw
Became chairman of psychology at Branders university -
Carl Rogers
Became the head of departments psychology and psychiatry at the university of Wisconsin -
Abraham Maslow
Published american association of humanistic psychology -
Abraham Maslow
Published the psychology of science