600 BCE
Oedipus's birth
Oedipus was born unto a wealthy family outside of Athens. -
599 BCE
Jocasta hears the prophecy.
Jocasta hears the prophecy that foretells the murder of her husband by her son. She tells the shepherd to kill her son Oedipus. -
598 BCE
Adoption of Oedipus
The shepherd discovers Oedipus with his feet pinned together. The first shepherd gives Oedipus to another shepherd in Corinth in which he is adopted by Polybus and Merope. -
580 BCE
Oedipus leaves Corinth
Oedipus hears a rumor that states that he was adopted, so he leaves Corinth. -
579 BCE
Oedipus gets the prophecy
Oedipus goes to the Oracle in Delphi, who tells him that he will kill his father and marry his mother. -
578 BCE
Oedipus kills Laius
Oedipus finds a group of travelers who get into a fight and kills Laius without knowing who he is. -
577 BCE
Riddle of the Sphinx
Oedipus arrives in Thebes and solves the riddle of the Sphinx. He is then made their king. -
560 BCE
New Plague in Thebes
There is a new plague in Thebes. Oedipus sends his brother Creon to the oracle for information. -
559 BCE
Oracle gives the new prophecy
The oracle told Creon that the plague wouldn't end until the killer Laius is found. -
558 BCE
Oedipus sends Tiresias who returns with news that Oedipus killed Laius. -
557 BCE
The Truth?
Jocasta tells the story of how her husband was killed at a three-way crossroad. Oedipus also explains how we killed a man in self-defense at a similar area. -
556 BCE
Message from Corinth
Jocasta receives news that Oedipus's father, Polybus, had in fact died. The city state also wants their prince to return. -
555 BCE
More News
The shepherd tells Oedipus that he doesn't have to worry about sleeping with his mother because Merope isn't his real mother, and that he was adopted as a baby. -
553 BCE
The Truth Emerges
Oedipus realized that he was the one who slept with his mother and killed his father. He discovers Jocasta dead by hanging herself. He takes the pins off her dress and uses them to blind himself. Creon takes over as king. -
535 BCE
Oedipus discovers his resting place
Oedipus finds out that he is in the grove belonging to the goddess of Eumenides, the god of fate. The original prophecy had predicted this to be his final resting place. -
534 BCE
News of Thebes
Oedipus's other daughter, Ismene, comes from Apollo's oracle at Delphi. She finds out that her brother Eteocles has overthrown Polynices. Polynices is now in Argos gathering troops for an attack on Thebes. She also says that the city of Oedipus's eventual burial will be good luck for the city, so Polynices and Creon are coming to get Oedipus so he can die in Thebes. -
533 BCE
Theseus helps Oedipus
King Theseus helps protect Oedipus from his sons and Creon. Oedipus warns him that the city will be angry. -
532 BCE
Creon finds Oedipus
Creon enters the grove and tries to take Oedipus, instead, he takes Ismene and Antigone instead, Theseus pursues. -
530 BCE
Oedipus finally dies
Oedipus discovers that it is time to die. Oedipus asks Theseus to take him to a burial site. Theseus will only tell his heirs where he is buried to protect Athens. -
Polynices arrives
Polynices asks for help from his father. Oedipus tells Theseus to drive him out but Antigone intervenes. Oedipus curses his two sons saying they will kill each other. Polynices asks his sisters to bury him if he dies in battle.