
New World Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christerpher Columbus

    He took his 3 ships and started sailing to the New World. They first landed at Lucayos. They also gave and got gifts.
  • Sep 3, 1493

    John Cabot

    John Cabot was the first European encounter with the mainland of North America.
  • Jan 3, 1494


    Columbus founded the town of Isabella after finding another town destroyed.
  • Sep 3, 1508

    Sebastion Cabot

    Sebastion Cabot, the son of John Cabot, Came to North America in search of North West passageway.
  • Sep 3, 1519

    Alonso Aluarez de Pinedes

    He took a expedition to prove that Florida was indeedpart of a continent.
  • Sep 3, 1524


    Sailed to the New World.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1535 to Sep 3, 1541

    Jacques Cartier

    Sailed west of Newfoundland and "discovered" the St Lawrence River
  • Period: Sep 3, 1535 to Sep 3, 1541

    Jacques Cartier

    Sailed west of Newfoundland and "discovered" the St. Lawrence River.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1539 to Sep 3, 1543

    Hernando De Soto

    He went throughout the southeast region of North American looking for gold.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1540 to Sep 3, 1542

    Francisco Coronado

    Went throughout the southwest region on Noth America looking for God, Glory, and Gold. They didnt find it but they did discover the Grand Canyon. They converted some Pueblo Indians to christianity but not many. In their rage they enslaved hundreds and drove others to suicide.
  • Sep 3, 1576

    Martin Frobisher

    Martin Fronisher voyaged to the new world to find a Northwest passageway, but his motive later changed to gold.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh

    Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonies to the east of North America which he named Virginia. Raleigh was the leader of multiple colonies in North America & Raleigh made tobacco popular in England.
  • Dutch East Company (VOC)

    Cration of the VOC. The main goal of the company was to find a way to reach India.
  • John Smith

    John Smith lead many colonies such as the Jamestown and Virgina settlement in North America.
  • Samuel De Champlain

    Samuel De Champlain
    Found Quebec.
  • Henry Hudson

    VOC commissioned Henry Hudson (who was English). He discovered part of the actual USA and Canada. He entred the actual Upper New York Bay and sailed the river which now bears his name.
  • Adriaen Block

    Sailed the Hudson. Discover that part of actual USA which stands between Virginia and Canada and he called it "New Netherland".
  • Fort Nassau

    First Dutch settlement in America.
  • First Dutch colonies

    The first colonists moved to Fort Nassau (now called Fort Orange) which was previously only a trading post to trade with Natives.
  • Manhattan

    Peter Minuit (the chief of VOC) bought the island of Manhattan and started to build Fort Amsterdam which will become New Amsterdam.
  • St. Croix and Tobago

    First Dutch colonies in the Caribbean.
  • Tortuga and Sint Maarten

    Other Dutch settlement in the Carribean.
  • War against Spanish

    After a war against Spanish Sint Maarten was lost so Dutch settled in Sint Eustatius and Curaçao.
  • New York

    New Amsterdam was lost to English and was renamed New York (from Prince James Duke of York, who ordered the English spedition).
  • Period: to

    War against Englad

    Holland started and lost a war against England. They definitely lost New Netherlands.
  • Marquette and Louis Joliet

    Marquette and Louis Joliet
    Explored the Mississippi River.
  • Suriname

    Suriname was sold to The Netherland by British.
  • Sieur de Bienville

    He was the founder of New Orleans and explored the Mississippi Valley.
  • Sieur d'lberville

    Sieur d'lberville
    Cruised the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and was the first to enter the Mississippi from the south.