New France

By Brenden
  • 1 CE

    Beringia Land Bridge

    It is a theory that there was a land bridge that was exposed between Russia and Alaska when the oceans receded. People then crossed to North America then the water came back over it.
  • 999

    Lief Erikson

    Lief Erikson
    Lief Erikson was the first european to ever set foot on North America. He was a Norse Explorer from Iceland.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbous

    Christopher Columbous
    He was trying to find the Northwest Passage but landed in North America instead.
  • 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    Was a Italian Explorer sponsored by England who discovered the North American Coast.
  • 1497


    Was a combination of animal fat, dried meat,and dried fruit, they made it beacuse it lasted a very long time without going bad.
  • Period: 1497 to

    Fur trade

    Europeans found beavers here so they started trading for them to send by to Europe as it was a recent fashion trend.
  • 1534


    Was an Iroquoian leader. he was the leader of the village Stdacona during cartiers voyages. he protested when cartier planted his cross in the ground.
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques sailed to north america on his first voyage and planted a cross claiming the land for king francis 1
  • 1541

    Quebec City

    Quebec City
    Jacques Cartier founded the fort that it started out as but samuel de champlain founded Quebec City as a french settlement. British troops under jams wolfe took the city and at the end of the war france gave everything up to the british.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Was a French navigator and explorer among other things. He founded New France and Quebec City.
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    King louis the XIV was known as Louis The Great or the sun King. He was the king of France from 1643 to his death in 1715. he holds the record for longest reign.
  • Period: to

    The War of Spanish Succesion

    It happened beacause the king of spain died and he didnt have a child so it created a power vacuum.
  • Fortress of Louisbourg

    Fortress of Louisbourg
    Is a french fortress built on cape breton island, Nova Scotia.
  • Treaty of utrecht

    Treaty of utrecht
    This treaty was what helped end the war of the spanish succesion and was signed by Britain and France.
  • Period: to

    The Seven Years War

    Was the first global war, it was fought in Europe,India,and America, and at sea. I North America Britain and France struggled for supremacy. french had support from canadain miltia and aborginal allies.
  • James wolfe

    James wolfe
    He was a british army Officer. he is known for his victory over the french in the battle of the Plaind of Abraham.
  • Period: to

    Siege of Quebec

    The britsh army was razing and destroyin all the land around quebec city but couldnt get inside until they managed to sneak past and scale a cliff on the other side. they got almost all of there troops there before the french ralized and when the french attacked britain won.
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham
    It was the final battle between britain and france on a plateau right outside of Quebec City. James Wolfe led the british forcs and louis-Joseph de Montcalm led the french forces.
  • Louis-Joseph de Montcalm

    Louis-Joseph de Montcalm
    Led the French Forces in the battle of the Plains of Abraham.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    it was signed by Great Britain, France, Spain, and portugal was in agreement after Great Britains victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years War.