Nelson Mondela

  • Born

    Born. he is named Rolihlahla
  • Goes to school

    Goes to school
    His teacher give him an english name: Nelson.
  • Father dies

    His father dies and go live with his uncle who is the king of a tribe
  • Ran away

    Nelson ran away in 1949 to Johannesburg because his Uncle chose wife for him and he does not want to marry her.
  • Apartheid law

    Apartheid law
    The Government seperates people in 3 groups: white, color and black
  • Became a Lawyer

    Nelson became a lawyer in 1952
  • Arested

    The ANC is banned and becomes secret organization. Nelson is arrested.
  • Prison

    Nelson is sentence to prison for life
  • Released

    People were protesting to release Nelson Mandela so the government released him
  • President

    Nelson becomes the first president in South Africa elected by everyone
  • Death

    Nelson died in 2013