Key Dates in the life of Nelson Mandela

  • Date of Birth

    Born in the Transkei, South Africa
  • Enters Shool

  • Starts College

    18 Years old
  • Enters University

  • Expelled

    Expelled from Fort Hare university for activism
  • The Spark

    Begins to attend ANC meetings informally
  • Getting involved in school politics

    Co-founds ANC Youth League Marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase
  • Big Leap in ANCYL

    Elected national secretary of ANCYL later to president
  • Fist Big Leap

    Campaign of civil disobedience Opens South Africa's first black law practice with Oliver Tambo
  • High Treason

    One of 156 activists charged with high treason
  • Adult Hood

    Marries Winnie Madikizela
  • Rebeling

    Goes underground to form armed wing
  • Imprisonment

    Sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage and high treason. Sent to maximum-security jail on Robben Island
  • Transfer

    Leaves Robben Island for Pollsmoor Prison
  • Freedom

  • Recognized

    Wins the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk the last apartheid president
  • Presidency

    Elected president after the ANC wins South Africa's first multiracial elections
  • Remarried

    Marries Graca Machel
  • Done with Presidency

    Steps down after one term as president
  • Away from the public

    Withdraws from public life
  • Death

    Dies aged 95