Nelson Mandela

  • ANC was formed

  • Rolihlahla Mandela is born

  • Period: to

    Life of nelson mandela

  • Attends primary school near Qunu

    Exact date and month unsure
  • His Father Dies

    Exact date and month
  • Undergoes initiation At Clarkebury Boarding Institute

    exact date and month unsure
  • Attends Healdtown, the Wesleyan College at Fort Beaufort

    exact date and month unsure
  • Enrols at the University College of Fort Hare

    exact date and month unsure
  • Expeld for holding aparthide protests

  • Nelson Mandela moves to Jo'burg

    Exact date and month unsure
  • Escapes an arranged marriage; becomes a mine night watchman; Starts articles at the law firm Witkin, Sidelsky & Eidelman

    Exact date and month unsure
  • Joind the African National Congeres

  • Completes BA through the University of South Africa

    exact date and month unsure
  • Graduates BA from fort hare university, enroles for llb at witts university

    exact date and month unsure
  • Mandela co-founded the Africn National Congreas Youth League

    Exact Date And month Unsure
  • Nelson Mandela Marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase

  • Mandela's first child is born

  • Devorce with Evelyn

    Later in the year he marries Winnie
  • Freedom charter is drafted

    Exact date and month
  • Sharpeville Massacre

  • ANC is banned

  • Mandela leaves to country to garner suport for the ANC

  • Reterns to South Africa

  • Arrested near Howick in KwaZulu-Natal For five years, Convicted of leaving the country without a passport

  • Thembekile is killed in a car accident

  • Sent to robben island

  • Period: to

    Mandela in jail

  • ANC is unbanned

  • Shares the nobel Peace prize with F.W De Klerk

  • Nelson Mandela votes for the first time in his life

  • Voted in by parlement as the presedent of South Africa

  • inaugarated as South Africa's Presedent

  • Launches an auto-biogrphy (Nelson Mandela Long Walk To Freedom)

  • Devorces Winnei Mandela

  • Marries Graça Machel on his 80th birthday

  • Steps down after one term as President, establishes the Nelson Mandela Foundation

    Exact Date and Month unsure
  • Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

  • Is visited at home by American First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters Sasha and Malia

  • Spends his 95th Birthday in hospital

    Saddly this is his last
  • Death of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

    This was also the night of his auto-biografical movie premiered.