Nelson Mandela

By 1600039
  • Born

    born in a small village called "Mvezo" and he was named Rolihlahla
  • School

    At 7 years old ,Rolihlahla Mandela goes to an mission school
    his teacher gives him the English name Nelson
  • Father Is Dead

    when Nelson was 9 years old his dad died so he went to live with his rich uncle: chief Jonghi, uncle jonghi's son, justice, becomes Nelson's best friend
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Nelson goes to Clarkebury boarding school for black people only
  • High School

    He went to Fort Beaufort high school for black people.
    it is rare for an Africans to finish high school
  • Running away

    After Nelson finished high school, his uncle chose wives for him and Justice. They wanted to choose their own wives so they ran away to Johannesburg to start their own lives
  • Job

    When they made it to Johannesburg, Nelson became a lawyer
  • standing up against Apartheid

    Nelson Mandela decided to organize sit ins, demonstration and boycotts to protest against Apartheid
  • Jail Time

    Jail Time
    The government decides that they will not tolerate this so they put Nelson Mandela in jail for 27 years!
  • Freedom!

    When Mandela gets out of jail, he becomes the first president ever to be elected by everyone.
  • Death

    Nelson Mandela passed away